The worst Sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to BE indifferent to them, that's the essence of inhumanity. 我们对别人所犯的最大罪过不是怨恨他们,而是对他们漠然处之,这就是残酷不仁的本源所在。
Failure to observe this fundamental principal leads directly to the inhumanity of slavery and the horror of genocide. 不遵守这一基本原则,就直接导致惨无人道的奴役和恐怖的种族灭绝。
It matters that nearly a hundred years ago, in direct response to the utter horror and inhumanity of World War I, that the civilized world agreed that chemical weapons should never be used again. 将近100年前,作为对第一次世界大战的惨烈和非人道的直接回应,文明世界一致同意永远不得再使用化学武器。
I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house. 作为对我的懦弱和不友好的惩罚,我被赶出了屋子。
This is a film of great sadness and beauty and and one comes away with a deep sense of the inhumanity of the Nazis, the humiliation of the Jews and their suffering. 这是一部充满伤感和美善的电影,使人深深感受到纳粹党毫无人性的行为,以及犹太人所受的侮辱和痛苦。
The murder is just another example of man's inhumanity to man. 这起谋杀真是残酷人性的又一例证。
It is one of the first casualties when systems are computerized, and its absence is a key contributor to the inhumanity of digital systems. 这是在系统计算机化过程中的损失之一,其缺失是数字系统缺乏人性的一个关键因素。
Man's inhumanity to man seems to have no limits. 人类对同类的残忍似乎没有极限。
Against the crass stupidities that breed hatred, fear and inhumanity. 是卵翼仇恨、恐惧和残暴的愚蠢鲁钝。
They have no idea of the disasters that their ignorance and inhumanity have brought upon themselves and upon the world. 他们还不知道自己的无知和无人道已给自己和世界所带来的许多灾难。
Inquiries were made as to how it got there; I was obliged to confess, and in recompense for my cowardice and inhumanity was sent out of the house. 主人盘问他怎么会跑到这儿,我不得不坦白承认,为了惩罚我的软弱和残忍,我被赶出了家门。
If the United States and Britain insist on sanctions on Iraq, it will inevitably cause more child deaths, and they should be responsible for such inhumanity. 美英两国坚持对伊制裁势必造成更多的伊拉克儿童死亡,它们要对此非人道的行径承担一切责任。
It's more about sadness and loneliness than about cruelty or inhumanity. 本片讲述较多的是悲伤和孤独,而不是残酷和残暴。
The true source of man's inhumanity to man. 人对人残暴的真正来源。
The Master said, I have never seen anyone who loves humanity, nor one who hates inhumanity. 孔子说,我没有见到真正喜欢仁和真正厌恶不仁的人;
He became an active member of the abolitionist movement, and the box itself became a symbol of the inhumanity and injustice of slavery. 在当地,他成为了反奴隶运动的积极倡导者,后来“箱子”就成为了惨无人道的奴隶制的象征。
The hardness and inhumanity of the man was fast breaking up. 这人那冷酷无情的心情很快地消灭了。
And we must never again turn a blind eye when a government anywhere engages in gross inhumanity. 我们再也不能漠视任何政府公然进行不人道的行为。
Sin is defined in terms of man's inhumanity to man. 黄大仙是指在人的不人道行为的人。
About the horrors and the inhumanity. 关于那个令人恐怖而且不人道的事。
H. Lawrence believes that the civilized world has become a spiritual wasteland. Actually, the contradictory unity of humanity and inhumanity is the consciousness and subconsciousness of human beings in the civilized world. 劳伦斯试图为西方的精神荒原找到一条出路。这种人性素质和非人性素质的对立统一,其实就是文明社会中成年人身上所共同具有的意识和潜意识的双重状态。
The concepts of Wen ( literary) and Zhi ( qualitative) were derived from classical Chinese theories inHumanity and Writing. 文质之论起源于中国古典的人论、文论,作为翻译理论贯穿于整个佛经翻译过程。
The death penalty needs to be modern to blur its brutality and inhumanity in America. 在美国,死刑需要被罩上现代的光环以模糊其残忍性和不人道性。
Humanity Mingled with Inhumanity Mingled Deform of Personal and Public Relations 人性与非人性的交织&《呼啸山庄》中人物形象的隐含意味私人与公共:两种关系的混合变形
The learning fatigue of the contemporary university students is the result of chronic response when they cannot smoothly face with the extreme pressures in learning, which are displayed from three symptoms: emotional exhaustion, inhumanity, and low personal accomplishment. 当代大学生学业倦怠是大学生不能顺利应对压力时对学业产生的一种极端反应,表现为情绪衰竭、非人性化和低成就感等三个方面的症状。
There is a clear contrast between the two owners of Sweet Home and the inhumanity of the slavery system is exposed to the readers. 甜蜜之家的两个主人形成了鲜明的对比,作者由此向读者揭示了奴隶制非人性的一面。