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Whether it's pre-loading image rollovers or initialing an XmlHttpRequest object for a later Ajax request or assigning event handlers, it's your code that takes time. 是否预加载图像翻转或初始化XmlHttpRequest对象以用于稍后的Ajax请求,或分配事件处理程序,您的代码将花时间处理这些问题。
At the same time, all kinds of effect factor e.g.: time, power intensity, pH, initialing concentration, the diameter of reactor and quantity of nanoscale iron was introduced. 同时考察了时间、声强、pH、2,4-二氯苯酚初始浓度、反应器的直径和纳米铁粉的投加量等对协同反应降解效果的影响。
Dispersing solution space in initialization stage and uniformly initialing population as far as possible increases the possibility of access to the global optimal solution. 为实现全局最优,在初始化群体时尽量分散解空间,均匀初始化种群,增加获取全局最优解的可能。