We hear endless injunctions to build a sense of community among staff. 我们听到上面没完没了地讲要在员工中培养一种集体归属感。
Apple filed a patent suit against Samsung, claiming the company's Galaxy smartphones and tablets infringe on several patents and asking for injunctions, actual damages and punitive damages. 苹果(Apple)因专利问题起诉三星。苹果称三星的Galaxy智能手机和平板电脑侵犯了苹果的几项专利权,并要求三星停止侵权,支付实际损害赔偿和惩罚性赔偿金。
When they reached the dairy Mr and Mrs Crick were promptly told-with injunctions to secrecy; for each of the lovers was desirous that the marriage should be kept as private as possible. 他们一回到奶牛场,就立即把结婚的日于告诉了克里克老板和克里克太太同时又叮嘱他们保守秘密因为这一对恋人谁都不愿意把他们的婚事张扬出去。
In cities such as Los Angeles and San Jose, prosecutors have sought injunctions against groups of people suspected of gang activity. 在洛杉矶和圣何塞这样的城市,检察官已要求对那些被怀疑有团伙犯罪行为的犯罪集团成员实行禁令。
A few days after the injunctions, children are playing on streets where they never were before. 这马上就奏效了。禁止令颁布几天之后,孩子们就开始在他们以前未去过的大街上玩耍了。
Google, arguing that Apple had infringed on its patents, had tried to get injunctions to force Apple to stop selling the iPhone. 谷歌称苹果侵犯了他们的专利,试图禁止苹果出售iPhone。
Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions under this Article, either party may seek interim measures, including without limitation, injunctions, at any court having a competent jurisdiction. 尽管有上述规定,根据本条规定,任何一方都可以要求采取临时措施,包括但不限于禁令,在任何法院具有司法管辖权。
The sermon was full of injunctions to refrain from sin. 布道中充满了不要犯下罪孽的训谕。
Firms that do not resolve violations in FDA warning letters risk enforcement such as injunctions against continuing violations and seizure of illegal products. 这些公司不解决FDA警告信内说的违章行为而冒险执行继续生产不合法产品。
Injunctions may also be interlocutory. 强制企业可以是中间性的。
Some kinds of injunctions may state both non-legal and legal duties. 有些禁止规定既是法律的,也是非法律的。
Such injunctions may strike the modern reader as utopian. 在现代读者听来,这种命令也许像是乌托邦式的空想主义。
One who transgresses the injunctions of the Vedic scriptures whimsically acting under the impulse of desire, never attains perfection, neither happiness nor the supreme goal. 如果一个人违背《呋陀》经律,异想天开地在欲望冲动的驱使下胡作非为,他永远也不会获得圆满和幸福,更不会实现最高目标。
Since then they have fought me with lawsuits, injunctions, and charges of bribery and conspiracy. 从那以后,他们便用诉讼、禁令和控告我贿赂搞阴谋来攻击我。
He drummed two injunctions into the mind of the ignorant. 他向愚昧无知的人群谆谆教诲两条诫命。
At this moment, I must give you thousands of injunctions with to send regards that this is most valuable "poor"! 在这个时刻,我要送给你千万个嘱咐与问候,这是最值钱的“寒酸”!
Very few federal projects have actually been halted by permanent injunctions based on NEPA. 联邦工程很少有因为《国家环境政策法》的禁令而停工的。
In the case of pollution, the common law doctrine of nuisance offers the remedies of damages and injunctions to injured landowners. 在污染问题上,普通的妨害法为受到侵害的土地拥有者提供了损害赔偿和各种禁令。
A gang that murders people will be harried by civil injunctions and crackdowns on petty probation violations. 警察会严厉禁制那些杀人伤命的帮派,即使他们只稍有违反假释的规定;
If you're from an ethics of divinity, you may appeal to religious injunctions against certain actions and behaviors and these may differentially restrict the behavior of men and women. 如果你来自神性道德的文化,你会赞成用宗教禁令,禁止某些行为,这就可能有差别地限制了,男人和女人的行为。
Other types of gag orders, injunctions, and restraining orders will be discussed in more detail in the appropriate sections below. 有关其他类型的禁声令、禁令和限制令等将在下面有关章节里进行更详尽的讨论。
A range of remedies and orders are available, the most important of which are injunctions and damages. 一系列的命令和救济可供采用,其中最重要的是禁令和损害赔偿金。
Its advice and injunctions have influenced American history more than Washington himself could have anticipated. 它的忠告与诫言,对美国历史影响深远,实非华盛顿自己始料所及。
There have also been some attempts to order injunctions in several member states for patent infringement but the better view currently is that such orders are not valid. 曾有法院试图发出在几个成员国有效的专利侵权禁令,但目前多数意见认为此类禁令无效。
However, in pending cases in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, apple won preliminary injunctions to stop Proview from selling off the iPad name, according to peopleinvolvedin the cases. 不过,据知情人士表示,在香港和深圳的待审案件中,苹果赢得了初步禁令,禁止唯冠转售ipad品牌。
Three of the justices believed the government should never have gotten injunctions in the lower courts, and criticized the lower courts for condoning such an effort at prior restraint. 其中三位大法官认为,政府本来就根本不应从下级法院获得禁令,并批评下级法院宽容这类预先制约的企图。
In1932, Congress passed one of the first pro-labor laws, the Norris-La Guardia act, which made yellow dog contracts unenforceable and limited the power of federal courts to issue injunctions in labor disputes. 1932年,国会通过了第一项亲劳工的法律“诺里斯拉加迪亚法”,使禁止工人加入工会的合同无法生效,并且还对联邦法院在劳工纠纷中发出禁制令的权力加以限制。
Is it the aim of your life to obey it, and to fulfil its injunctions? 你人生的目的是否以遵行上帝的命令为首要之务?
It is usually the opposite of a prohibitory injunction but there are mandatory injunctions which have a similar effect to specific performance. 通常它与禁止履行命令相反,但是在强制履行中也会有一些强制性的命令。