Having no physical feeling or sensation; insentient. stereoscopic perception 失去知觉的没有肉体感觉或知觉的;无知觉的
The conclusion offers an affirmation of the positive meaning of Lawrence's statement that the insentient mass production and modern logocentric culture suppressed and distorted human nature, to the effect of physical damage and spiritual catastrophe. 缺乏血性意识的大机器生产和现代理性文化压抑和扭曲了人性,造成了现代人肉体伤害、精神摧残。
But he exaggerated the role human physical existence can play in transforming the diseased Western society, and ignored the destructions of the "insentient iron world" on the forces. 但是劳伦斯过分夸大了生命活力在拯救社会中的作用,忽视了冰冷麻木世界对这种活力的破坏。