I feel he might have an insidiously corrupting influence. 我觉得他可能有一种潜移默化的腐蚀性影响。
The danger, of course, could insidiously dull the sharp edge of problem solving. 当然,危险可能不知不觉弄钝了解决问题的刀刃。
Insidiously they had spread the word that Mr Whitelaw was not up to the job. 他们曾阴险地散布流言蜚语,说什么怀特洛先生不能胜任这一工作。
More significantly ( and insidiously) in the lowered friction, less guidance, more likely to post garbage sense. 更重要的是(也是更危险的),在疏于指导的情况下,这会导致人们发布大量的垃圾信息。
Actinobacillosis develops insidiously in soft tissues. 放线杆菌病是在软组织中呈隐袭性发生的。
I do not know the beauty of the flowers, or by Lao She," gardening "a text effects, insidiously, I found that I love flowers. 不知是因为花的美丽,还是受老舍《养花》一文的影响,不知不觉地,我发现我好喜欢花。
To introduce or otherwise convey ( a thought, for example) gradually and insidiously. 暗示,旁敲侧击地说逐渐而阴险地输入或传达(例入某种思想)
To proceed misleadingly or insidiously in discourse or conduct. 误导在说话或行动时诱导或暗中引入。
But few things corrode business efficiency and effective markets more insidiously than the discovery that it is more profitable to win the favour of politicians than to win the approval of customers. 但是,当企业家发现取悦政客比赢得客户更为有利可图时,就没有什么更能在不知不觉间侵蚀商业效率和市场有效性了。
The onset may not be accompanied by any of the acute signs but may appear insidiously. 发病时可能不伴有任何急性症状,但可能隐匿地出现。
This disease may develop insidiously, with fever as the only clinical manifestation. 这种病可能隐袭发生,仅有发热为其唯一的临床表现。
We reported a case of progressive spastic paraparesis in a 49 year old man with surgical portal systemic shunting which developed due to chronic liver disease, It developed insidiously in about 4 months following surgical shunting. 本文报告一例49岁男性病人,有慢性肝病史,在门体静脉分流后四个月出现双下肢进行性瘫痪。