In 1949 Bonn was a small, insignificant city. 1949年时波恩还是个无足轻重的小城市。
The Chief Inspector disliked being overburdened with insignificant detail. 总督察讨厌在细枝末节上没完没了地纠缠。
An individual's strength is insignificant. 个人的力量是渺小的。
The differences between a catalog and a website are insignificant if you take advantage of the Internet effectively. 如果能有效利用互联网,你会发现戴尔以前的产品目录和它新建的网站(之间并没有明显的差别。
When you understand that life is a test, you realize that nothing is insignificant in your life. 当你明白人生是一场考验时,你就会知道人生没有一件事是无关痛痒的。
This ensures that changes insignificant in XML will be correctly accommodated. 这样就可以保证XML中认为不重要的变动会被正确地接纳。
To most users, who may have little or no concern for kernel development, this may seem insignificant. 对大部分可能很少或者根本不关心内核开发的用户来说,这一点看起来可能无关紧要。
This ensures that changes insignificant in XML1.0 will be correctly accommodated. 这样就可以保证正确地接纳XML1.0中认为不重要的变动。
Gandhi said that whatever you do in life will be insignificant, but it's very important that you do it. 甘地说过,无论你在生命的过程中做了些什么,都是微不足道的,但重要的是你真的在做了。
The building and restoration of sport aircraft is a very insignificant market for the wood industry. 飞机的建设和恢复运动是一个非常微不足道木材行业市场。
This improvement seemed insignificant compared with my failures. 这点进步,跟我的失败比较起来,似乎很小。
There is nothing insignificant about you tenar. tenar,你从不是无关紧要的。
To the desert, men were insignificant. 人类对它来说太渺小了。
The operation, said the surgeon, had a small, though not insignificant mortality rate. 外科医生说手术的死亡率虽然不是微不足道,但却是很低的。
The computational problem is not exactly insignificant. 这中间的计算问题并不是无关紧要的。
Although it is a small and insignificant bank, it represents the trend of the future. 虽然它只是微不足道的一家小银行,却代表了未来的潮流。
The suave and reasonable weight of his dislikes and his approvals stirred Shelton up to feel ironical and insignificant. 他那平和的恰如其分的爱憎,激起了谢尔顿的感情,使他有玩世不恭和无足轻重的感觉。
Other people's interruptions of your work are relatively insignificant compared with the countless time you interrupt yourself. 与你自己无数次打断自己相比别人对你工作旳干扰微不足道。
It does not mean you pain is insignificant. 不是说你的痛苦微不足道。
Originally in the time we're so small and insignificant, but the photos have enlarged something which is slight. 本来在时间里,我们都是如此的渺小和无足轻重。可是照片却将一些微小的东西放大了。
On this world, person always appears very insignificant. 在这个世界上,人总是显得很渺小。
Today I saw a red-and-yellow sunset and thought, How insignificant I am! 今天,我看到了颜色红里有黄的日落,我想,我是多么微不足道啊!
His contribution to our project was obviously insignificant. 他对我们工程的贡献显然是微不足道的。
It broke our hearts, and we felt so small and insignificant. 我们伤透了心,感到自己如此渺小和无足轻重。
Or I may think that they're insignificant. 或者我也许认为他们是无关紧要的。
Property determines whether or not insignificant white space, that is white space in element content, is preserved. 属性确定是否保留不重要的空白,即元素内容中的空白。
I remember that you have not insignificant, you is I can't think of at a loss. 我是你不曾记起的无关痛痒,你是我猜不到的不知所措。
This question of meaning may be insignificant for utilitarian purposes, but it's very important to us. 这意义问题可能没有用,但对我们很重要。