As an ethical concept, the metaphysical concept of "fidelity" tries to fetter translation onto the two poles of "faithful" and "unfaithful", thus incurring a number of insolvable problems. 作为一个伦理概念,形而上学的“忠实”观念试图将翻译束缚在“忠”与“不忠”的两个极端,从而引起了一系列无法解决的问题。
These two factors combined to make the problem insolvable. 这两个因素结合在一起,使这个问题无法解决。
There are some insolvable problems facing the music education in regular schools. There is a popular saying that students are fond of music but take no interest in music lessons. 这种范式的引领下教育实践面临着一些无法解决的问题:学生喜欢音乐但不喜欢音乐课成为十分流行的话语;
So far as network management style is concerned, a novel Synthetic network management is provided, as both Centralized management and Distributed management have their own seemingly insolvable disadvantages. 在网络管理模式方面,由于分布式和集中式各有不足,因此采用集合了二者优点的综合网络管理模式。
Technically, SCWR may be based on the design, construction and operation experiences in existing PWR and supercritical coal-fired plants, which means that there is no insolvable technology difficult-ties. 在技术上,超临界水冷堆可以借鉴现有PWR和超临界火电的设计、建造和运行经验,不存在不可逾越的技术障碍。
Because each minute laboratory is independent, it is unable to insolvable problem overall situation. 各分实验室是独立的,无法从全局角度分析实验室管理情况存在的问题。