The economy has entered a sharp downturn, and unemployment and insolvencies can be expected to increase. 经济形势急转直下,失业与破产现象预计将会增多。
The country with the highest number of insolvencies expected for next year is France with 63,000. 预计,明年企业破产最多的国家会是法国,将有6.3万家企业倒闭。
But there have also been demoralising numbers: unemployment is still rising fast, insolvencies are commonplace. 但是另一组数字却使人泄气:失业率仍然在上升,到处都有人破产。
We may well see insolvencies at some clubs, as we have always seen in difficult times, says Deloitte. 我们很有可能看到一些俱乐部破产,在经济困难时期这种事情总会发生,德勤表示。
If the eurozone introduced reforms to make it work far better in future, rather than to continue as a machine for generating financial and fiscal insolvencies in weaker countries, confidence would return. 如果欧元区能够启动改革,让自己未来得以更好地运行,而不再是一台不断在弱小成员国制造金融机构和主权债务违约的机器,信心就会恢复。
In both Europe and America insolvencies are increasingly "pre-packaged": creditors agree on a plan of restructuring before a formal insolvency. 在欧洲和美国,破产越来越趋向于“预先包装”:在正常破产之前,债权人同意重组分案。
In the UK, it was experiencing rising bad debts as the number of personal insolvencies continued to increase. 而在英国,该银行不良债务不断上升,原因是个人破产案数量继续攀升。
Mike Geoghegan, chief executive, said the rise in UK insolvencies looked "unlikely to abate" in the medium term. 汇丰银行首席执行官纪勤(mikegeoghegan)表示,看起来在中期内英国破产案的升势“不太可能减缓”。
Record numbers of companies will go bankrupt next year with 200,000 insolvencies in Europe alone and an explosion of failed businesses in the US, according to the world's largest credit insurer. 世界最大的信用保险机构表示,明年公司倒闭数字将创纪录,仅在欧洲就将有20万家公司破产,美国的倒闭企业也将激增。
Indebted companies that eventually default could prove a rich seam for investors that focus on taking over companies in debt-for-equity swaps or insolvencies. 对擅长通过债转股交易或破产清盘来收购企业的投资者来说,负债累累而最终违约的公司可能是大金矿。
Most crisis-hit emerging economies experienced huge recessions and a tidal wave of insolvencies. 多数遭受危机冲击的新兴经济体都经历了严重的经济衰退和大批的破产浪潮。
Government insolvencies would now also threaten the solvency of debtor country central banks. 现在,政府破产也会危及债务国央行的偿付能力。
On reform, too, co-ordination is needed on when to raise capital ratios and how to manage insolvencies in truly global institutions. 这些改革同样需要协调在什么时候提高资本充足率要求、以及如何管理真正全球化机构的破产方面。
Having bought a few companies out of administration, I know insolvencies are complicated. Finessing the hierarchy of claims really matters; so does homework and technical knowledge. 我曾收购过几家破产的企业,因此深知破产问题错综复杂。巧妙处理好索赔次序事关重大;准备工作及专业知识同样关键。
After the crisis is contained, the most important thing is to deal with widespread undercapitalization and insolvencies. 危机得到遏制后,最重要的是要处理资本化水平普遍较低和偿付能力普遍不足问题。
This was in response to "financial panics" and bank insolvencies. 这个随后导致了经济恐慌和银行的无力偿还而拨产。
Bank insolvencies can be highly contagious and spread throughout the single financial system. 银行破产可能具有高度传染性,并会在整个单一金融体系内部蔓延。
In many macroeconomic models, therefore, insolvencies cannot occur. 因而,在许多宏观经济模型中,资不抵债不可能发生;象银行这样的金融中介机构,通常不存在;无论公司是通过私募还是债务筹资并无区别。
There is still much work to do on the capital framework for banks and brokers, there is an unfinished agenda in the derivatives markets, and the thorny issues surrounding cross-border insolvencies need resolution. 银行和证券公司的资本框架方面仍有许多工作要做;衍生市场有份议程尚未完成;有关跨境破产的许多棘手问题也有待解决。
The aim is to avoid the damages to the depositors brought by bank insolvencies. 这样做的目的是为了保护储户使他们免受因银行破产所带来的损害。
There were no rises in German corporate insolvencies last year, and while Euler Hermes is predicting a 19 per cent rise in 2009, this has not shown in the statistics released this year. 去年德国企业破产数量未见增长,尽管EulerHermes预计2009年德国企业破产数量将上升19%,但在今年发布的统计数据中,还没有显示出来。
As the recession continues, the number of personal and corporate insolvencies will rise, which in turn will aggravate the problems of the banking sector. 随着衰退的持续,个人和公司破产的数量将上升,这将进而加重银行业的问题。
The first section refers to the basic conception of transnational insolvency and insolvency of cross-border banks, as well as the different issues about insolvencies between cross-border banks and common companies, in order to draw attention to the particularity of legal study on insolvency of cross-border banks. 第一节谈及跨国破产和跨国银行破产的基本概念,以及跨国银行破产与普通跨国破产的区别问题,体现出了跨国银行破产研究的特殊性。
While most insolvencies are caused by imperfect corporate governance, people gradually begin to pay attention to the corporate governance structure. 而大部分破产事件是由于不完善的公司治理结构所引发的,所以人们逐渐开始对公司治理结构予以关注。