Preparatory Assistance for the Establishment of an Oceangraphic Instate Phase I. 建立海洋学院第一阶段的筹备性援助。
Alternatively, the state can instate an efficient court system, aided by active law enforcement agencies. 另外,国家可以指令高效的法院系统,辅助主动执法机构。
FREE: Local Calling, Instate Calling, Out of State Calling, and Calls to Canada. 免费:本地电话、电话公司反而出于国家要求,并呼吁加拿大。
Coming from a small town instate, I wasn't sure what to expect. 我来自一个很小的城镇,所以我也不知道该期待什么。
But the reality of the territory of national states being often great still makes it impossible to make the directive participation play the main status instate of representative system participation. 但民族国家地域常常较大的现实仍不可能让直接参与扩大到取代代议制参与占主导地位的地步。
The Analytic Model on the Game Theory about the Withdrawal Behavior of Employees inState-owned Enterprise 国有企业员工退出行为的博弈分析
The improvement of the conventional method of error real-time correction based on ARMA model and the prolongation of the forecasting range of time series using normal distribution instate of purely random series are presented in this article. 从ARMA模型出发,对传统的误差实时修正方法进行改进,用服从正态分布的纯随机序列代替,延长了时间序列预测时域。
Application of X-ray Analysis Techniques inState Analysis of Polyimide Moulding Powder 聚酰亚胺模塑粉形态结构的X射线分析
When the structural systems or forms of the upper storey of tall building have obvious variance with the underneath storey ', or the axis of the upper storey are deranged with the underneath storey, we must instate a horizontal transformed structure, that is transformed structural storey. 当高层建筑下部楼层竖向结构体系或形式与上部楼层差异较大,或者上、下部楼层竖向结构轴线错位时,就必须在结构改变的楼层设置水平转换构件,即结构转换层。