Instilling a sense of mission and a fighting spirit is job one. 向企业注入使命感和战斗精神是惠特曼的第一要务。
Are those who claim to be instilling entrepreneurialism merely encouraging garden-variety creative thinking or even just a killer sales mentality? 那些宣称将培育创业精神的人们到底是在鼓励寻常的创意思维,还是鼓动性的销售说辞?
Housework has unique value in instilling a habit of serving others. 家务活对养成服务他人的习惯具有独特的价值。
If you can make a commitment to performing that simple step, it can go a long way toward instilling the right amount of discipline into your process. 如果您能够承诺执行该简单步骤,就会对在流程中注入适当数量的规程大有裨益。
Universities have become complicit in solidifying the class divide by instilling in their students a sense of entitlement: you got in because you deserved to, and once we certify your talent, youre entitled to whatever you can accumulate in the future. 大学向它们的学生灌输优越感,变成了强化阶层差异的同谋:你能入学是因为你配得上,一旦我们肯定了你的天才,你就有权得到你将来能够积累的财富。
Cleanliness is crucial to academic success at one Chinese university where compulsory labor is part of a program designed to award class credits while instilling students with proper moral values. 打扫卫生在一所中国大学于学业成功至关重要。在那里,义务劳动是一个计入学分并用于为学生灌输正确道德观念的教学计划的一部分。
Instilling a strong work ethic in children means making them understand that the quantity and quality of their work can have a direct impact on how much money they earn. 向孩子们灌输强烈的“职业道德”理念就是要让他们明白,他们工作的数量和质量对他们赚取的金钱数额会有直接的影响。
His father, he has said, not without admiration, believed that instilling insecurity in his son would help him to achieve. 特纳不无钦佩地说,他的父亲认为,让儿子有不安全感有助其成功。
Wash your hands before and after instilling the drops in your eyes. 点药前后要洗手,用干净的手帕擦眼。
More important than English, however, is instilling Chinese students with an American-style approach to education, said Amy Niesz, an English instructor at the academy. 然而,比英语语言教学更重要的是,逐步培养中国学习惯美式教育方法,麻省国际学院的教师艾米尼兹说。美国留学课堂强调创造性与批判性思维。
The students of Instilling Goodness Elementary School and Developing Virtue Secondary School naturally play a big role in the cultural exchange between East and West. 因此育良小学、培德中学的学生,自然而然地在各种庆典中,扮演著促进中西文化交流的角色与任务。
But primary dealers play a vital role in carrying out policy and instilling market confidence. 但是,一级交易商在执行政策和培育市场信心方面发挥着关键作用。
But instilling good practice requires more than just strengthening watchdogs. 但是,灌输好的行为,需要的不仅仅是强化监督作用。
Theory of the Combination for instilling law and inspiration; 理论灌输法与启发法相结合;
The best way for a society to prepare its young people for leadership in government, industry, or other fields is by instilling in them a sense of cooperation, not competition. 社会培养年轻一代胜任政府、工业等领域的领导职位,最佳途径是灌输合作精神,而不是竞争精神。
This paper will discuss the day to day activities of being a tester and instilling quality into software. 这篇文将讨论测试人员日常工作,及怎样将质量灌输到软件中。
Rugged code is a way of breaking through and instilling a mindset that secure code should be a pride-of-ownership issue just as much as elegant, high performing, and high quality code is. 坚固的代码是一种突破,并注入这样一种心态:安全的代码同样应该成为引以为傲的源泉,就像优雅的、表现出色的高质量代码一样。
The beginning of March sees events all around the world dedicated to instilling a love of books and reading in children. 三月初我们会看到世界各地的教育工作者都在致力于向孩子们介绍书籍、培养热爱阅读的习惯。
He says he believes that instilling fundamental environmental awareness at the grassroots will lead to greater accountability by the authorities. 梅赫塔说,他认为,让基础环境意识渗透到基层将会导致政府机构承担更大的责任。
First, instilling a board culture will go much beyond guidelines and rules. 第一,树立董事会文化远非制订方针和规则那么简单。
Denise Armstrong decided to home school her daughter and two sons because she thought she could do a better job of instilling her values in her children than a public school could. 丹尼斯·阿姆斯特朗决定让她的女儿和两个儿子在家里“上学”。因为在她看来,让孩子在家上学,可以把自己的价值观更好地灌输给孩子,而这些却是公立学校做不到的。
Even absent fathers affect how their children work, he writes, by instilling feelings of rejection and abandonment. 他写道,即使是缺席型父亲也会通过拒绝和遗弃意识对孩子的职业形成影响。
And gratitude, by instilling an awareness of one's blessings, clarifies one's vision and helps one establish goals. 而感恩,则是通过逐渐培养人的祝福意识,让人清楚自己的未来并且建立起自己的目标。
Instilling habits is crucial. 培养好习惯是最关键的。
In developed countries, medical social work a department for medical institutions, assist to preent, make patient instilling, improve health effects. 在发达国家,医务社工作为医疗机构的一个部门,协助救死扶伤,促使病人助人自助,提升医疗效果。
The trains had to be introduced as part of an overall approach to operating the railway, which extends from the design of the track to instilling the right attitude in employees, he said. 他表示,这些列车的引入必须作为从轨道设计到培养雇员正确态度在内的整体铁路运营措施的一部分。
In sumo this bullying is called kiai-ire, or "instilling spirit"; 在相扑中,这种欺负弱小的行为叫做“kiai-ire”,也就是“精神鼓舞”;
Enquiry-based science education is key to instilling a fascination in and understanding of scientific discovery in future generations, says Jorge E.Allende in Science. JorgeE.Allende在《科学》杂志上指出,探究式科学教育对于向后代人灌输对科学发现的爱好以及理解科学发现具有至关重要的作用。
There are thousands of easily-accessed articles exposing documented incidences of teachers boldly instilling in their students the liberal ideology. 我们能轻易读到上千篇文章暴露教师旗帜鲜明地对学生灌输自由主义思想的例子。
The author champions his own parents for instilling in him what he calls an "internal pot of gold"-a measure of self-reliance and self-confidence which he thinks is vital for developing empathy. 作者拥护其父母将一种被他称为“心中的藏宝箱”的思想灌输进其头脑的做法这是一定程度的自立与自信,伯龙-科恩认为这对发展移情能力至关重要。