If we look back at that long, open-ended list of things that were good or bad, we'll find that mos of the things on that list are instrumentally good. 再看那个长长的没有结尾的,好的或坏的东西的名单,我们会发现上面很多东西,都是有好的利用价值。
So the pain you're suffering now is actually instrumentally valuable, useful as a means, even though it's intrinsically bad. 所以你现在忍受的痛苦,是有利用价值的,作为手段是有用的,尽管痛苦本身是坏的。
If you can't hold your job down, you can't get the money Ultimately, most of the negative things on that list were instrumentally bad. 无法工作就赚不到钱,最终名单上多数消极的东西,都归结为坏的利用价值。
But it's also instrumentally good. 它的利用价值也是好的。
Most of the good things on that list were instrumentally good. 名单上多数好的东西都归结为好的利用价值。
Thus, if China wants to take a law-ruling road, it's important to cultivate a civic society of China and to constitute the deep social basis of law ruling, instead of building simple construction or operation of system or even ruling by law instrumentally. 因此,中国要走向法治,关键的不是简单的制度构建和体制运作,更不是工具化的依法治理,而是积极培育中国的市民社会,构筑法治的深层社会根基。
With the instrumentally determined seismic parameters of these two earthquakes as standards, the author evaluated the parameters of the historical earthquakes by comparing their macroseismic materials with consideration of the geological background. 笔者以这两次地震的仪器测定参数为准,通过宏观资料对比,参考地震背景,估定各早期地震的参数,编制了历史地震序列表。
The instrumentally using of international social regulation is to seek political legitimacy, to seek trade protection and to enhance the international status. 社会规制国际化工具性使用主要表现为谋求政治合法性、寻求贸易保护和提升国际地位等。
It indicates that art university students are mainly instrumentally motivated in English learning. 说明艺术院校学生的学习动机以工具型动机为主。
But due to the weakening of traditional trade barriers, differences in national economic strength, technological level, national interest, as well as the updating of consumer perception, internationalization of social regulation tends to be instrumentally used. 但由于传统贸易壁垒的衰弱,各国经济实力、技术水平和国家利益的差异以及消费者观念的更新和对健康等的注重使得社会规制国际化有被工具性使用的倾向。