In industry, a worker who is grossly insubordinate is threatened with discharge. 在企业内部,拒不服从指令的工人会面临遭解雇的威胁。
That's an insubordinate response. 这种回答是目无领导的。
It is a very high bar when we ask executives to be genuinely insubordinate in order to be moral. 要求高管们真正违背命令以遵守道德准则的时候,这是个非常高的要求。
Huang is as exacting a boss as he is an insubordinate employee, but he is often forced to suffer the rebelliousness of his staff. 作为老板,黄的苛刻程度与他作为雇员的刺头程度相比有过之而无不及,但他也经常要忍受自己手下的叛逆。
If you're insubordinate, I shall put you under arrest. 如果你要抗命,我会逮捕你的。
The old school headteacher remembered him as an insubordinate child. 老校长记得他是一个不听话的孩子。
This morning at about nine o'clock, forewoman No.2, Wang Chin-chen, ran into my office to report that Yao Chin-feng in Row No.12 had made a mistake and was being insubordinate about it. 是早上九点钟光景,第二号管车王金贞,跑到账房间来报告第十二排车的姚金凤犯了规则,不服管理;
Your actions are grossly insubordinate. 你的行为是以下犯上。
Their refusal to defer to humans like other domestic animals, which seemed wickedly insubordinate in earlier centuries, is now taken as evidence of self-respecting independence. 猫与其它家养动物不同的与人类保持距离的个性,从前被认为是邪恶和不服从,但现在已被广泛作为独立和自尊的象征。