Structure and development of the integumental glands of the Chinese Alligator 扬子鳄皮肤腺结构与发育的初步观察
While cell walls of two big neighboured cells became thicker gradually, the surface figure of tobacco seed was formed. The shape and number of corrugation frame surrounded by figure reflected the shape and number of large integumental epiderm cell. 烟子表面的花纹是由珠被表皮相邻的两个大型细胞的细胞壁加厚所致,花纹围成的波纹框的形态和数目反映原珠被表皮大型细胞的形状和数目。
The nutrients for embryo growth at the earlier stage came from integumental endothelium cells, while at the later stage the embryo obtained nutrients from the endosperm cells. 胚发育的前期从珠被绒毡层获取养分,后期养分从胚乳细胞获取;