The EU reckons that intel's use of such rebates was nefarious. 欧盟认定英特尔使用这样的折扣必然有其险恶的目的。
Intel commands the PC market but has struggled to get its processors into smartphones and tablets. 虽然英特尔一直称霸PC市场,不过它的处理器在智能手机和平板电脑领域却举步维艰。
Both companies sell to Intel ( INTC) and Motorola. 这两家公司都向英特尔(Intel)和摩托罗拉(Motorola)供货。
This Dell runs XP, and has a low-end Intel processor. 这款电脑安装了XP操作系统,配有低端的英特尔(Intel)处理器。
Several companies, including IBM, Intel, and AMD, provide virtualization hardware. 包括IBM、Intel和AMD在内的一些公司都提供了虚拟化硬件。
The test server used for this set of tests uses four Intel Xeon MP dual-core CPUs with hyperthreading enabled. 这组测试使用的测试服务器使用四个IntelXeonMP双核CPU,启用了超线程。
You can learn more about SR-IOV from this Intel hardware design site. 您可以从Intel硬件设计网站了解更多关于SR-IOV的内容。
Also, for Intel-based computers, you can usually set the BMC address in the system BIOS. 而且,对于基于Intel的计算机,通常可以在系统BIOS中设置BMC地址。
Most recently, Intel and AMD have introduced this technology to their chip families as well. 最近,Intel和AMD也已经将这项技术引入到他们的芯片家族。
This file specifies whether the vmx ( Intel) or svm ( AMD) extensions are supported. 这个文件指定了是否支持vmx(Intel)或svm(AMD)扩展。
We are using many new4-way Intel systems donated by IBM. 我们正在使用许多由IBM捐献的新的4-wayIntel系统。
They're working on top secret projects for Intel, Nintendo, Dell and many others. 他们在为因特尔、任天堂、戴尔和许多其它公司的机密项目工作。
There, he leads a team of students and Intel company researchers on projects with new technologies. 在那里,他带领着学生和英特尔公司的研究员进行新技术项目。
The upgrades would depend largely on new Intel Xeon chips. 这一升级很大程度上要依赖英特尔公司提供的Xeon芯片。
Hewlett-Packard's$ 299 model has a 14-inch screen and Intel's latest processor. 惠普(HP)售价299美元的Chromebook配备了14寸屏幕和英特尔(Intel)的最新处理器。
Intel admits it missed the smartphone chip revolution. 英特尔(Intel)承认,该公司错过了智能手机芯片革命。
So I started to influence the Intel's management. 所以我开始影响英特尔公司的管理层。
Other significant changes to both desktops and notebooks will of course be driven by Intel and Microsoft. 其他对台式机和笔记本机的重大变化当然是由英特尔公司和微软公司推动。
We know about immigrant founders at large technology companies, such as Intel, Google and eBay. 我们都知道,一些大型科技企业的创始人都是移民,如英特尔、谷歌和电子港湾。
With this intel, we need to act quickly. 有了这些情报,我们必须快速行动。
The network connections on the server used the built-in Intel PRO/ 1000 GbE controllers. 在服务器上的网络连接使用了内建IntelPRO/1000GbE控制器。
They enable Intel to continue to deliver record-breaking PC, laptop and server processor speeds. 他们让英特尔继续提供创纪录的个人电脑,笔记本和服务器处理器的速度。
Said that they had new intel. 他说他们有了新的情报。
Intel and Microsoft are Motley Fool Inside Value recommendations. 英特尔和微软是莫特利内价值的建议傻瓜。
Intel may be protecting Motorola and Lenovo from any downside on the new products. 英特尔也许会保护摩托罗拉和联想的新产品不会出现任何缺点。
So this expands the potential market for Intel dramatically. 这大大扩展了英特尔的潜在市场。
Intel engineer: I helped Intel beat AMD but do I have the energy to take on ARM? 英特尔工程师:我帮英特尔打败了AMD,但我还有力气再搞定ARM么?
How could Intel test the effect of using its name in the new smart phones or set-top boxes? 英特尔应该怎样测试在智能电话和机顶盒上使用自己品牌的影响?
It is also optimized for the Intel Nehalem processor micro-architecture. 它还针对Intel的Nehalem处理器微型架构进行了优化。
Several other big voice and data companies, such as Intel and IBM, are also considering following suit. 其他一些大型语音和数据公司如Intel和IBM也在考虑跟进。