He's prepared to have a bash at discussing it intelligently. 他已经准备好尽量巧妙地讨论这个问题。
We should work hard and intelligently, not blindly. 要苦干加巧干,不要蛮干。
This young chap does things intelligently. 这个年轻人做事很有心计。
If we are to spend our money intelligently, we need information about the products and services available. 如果我们要花钱花得聪明,我们就需要有现有产品和服务的信息。
Map the data into variables intelligently. 将数据智能地映射到变量。
You need a tool that can intelligently index your files and help you locate them in the right context. 需要有这样一种工具,可以智能地索引您的文件并帮助您在正确的上下文环境中定位这些文件。
Connections to remote resources can be managed intelligently. 与远程资源的连接可以实现智能管理。
Intelligently deciding what to put into the schedule and how to work within those boundaries is within our control. 明智地决定将什么放入时间表并如何在这些范围内工作是在我们的控制之中的。
The garbage collection algorithm can then intelligently decide what to reclaim in a reasonable way. 垃圾收集算法通过合理的方法智能地判断应该回收的块。
He also includes practical advice on using interfaces instead of abstract classes, and using exceptions intelligently. 他也在书中包括了很实用的建议:用接口替代抽象类和灵活使用异常。
In order to intelligently manage user data, we have to contextualize it; and for this we use scopes. 为了智能地管理用户数据,必须将其置于上下文中。出于这个原因,我们使用作用域。
The pattern matching operation is potentially expensive, so it is vital to focus the search intelligently. 模式匹配操作可能是非常昂贵的,因此智能地集中搜索是非常重要的。
To respond intelligently to a change request, you must first understand the reasons for it. 巧妙的响应一个变更需求,您需要首先了解变更的原因。
Speed seems guaranteed by hardware, rather than by intelligently implemented distributed systems. 速度似乎是由硬件保证的,而不是由智能实现的分布式系统保证的。
But the tech lead intelligently did not do that. 但是我们的技术主管非常明智地没有那样做。
Philosophy is a study that lets us be unhappy more intelligently. 哲学是让我们更聪明地不快乐的一门学问。
Using broadband data streams, digital sensors and advanced analytics, utility companies can understand demand in real time and thus source and manage power more intelligently. 利用宽带数据流、数字传感器和先进的分析方法,电力公司可以实时了解需求,从而更为智能化地获得和管理电力。
Failure is simple the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. HenryFord失败是只是一个机会&让你从新开始的时候更明智。
If you act intelligently, you are intelligent. 如果你的行为愚蠢,你是愚蠢的。
So Grandma's home can be intelligently wired to recognize her patterns of wake, sleep and movement; 有了这样的系统,就可以对老奶奶家进行智能连接,以搞清她饮食起居的规律;
Where there are many applications involved, information needs to be intelligently routed to where it is needed. 在一个多个软件的环境中,信息需要能够智能选择路径到它需要达到的地方。
In order to compose music intelligently by genetic algorithm, the concrete question that how to create the music note sequences and the audio frequency file by the computer automatically is discussed. 为了利用遗传算法进行智能作曲,对由计算机自动生成音符序列和音频文件的具体问题进行了讨论。
That he must learn to utilize intelligently the things of earth; 他必须学会聪明地利用尘世的事情;
This method shows a way to watch and control DC-DC converter intelligently by using neural network. 为实现用神经网络对变换器工作行为进行智能化监控奠定了基础。
Intelligently slows down, speeds up or changes the frame rate of your image sequences! 智能减速或加速变化的图像序列帧率你!
Broadly speaking, it's a fallacy to presume that all of evolution's products are intelligently designed. 从广义上说,认为一切进化后的产物都经过了精心的设计是人们的谬论。
He also understood that he could legally copy the design of certain automobiles by doing so intelligently. 他还了解到,他可以以聪明的方法合法地复制一些汽车的外观设计。
The computer is to aid in achieving this understanding and should be used intelligently as an engineering tool. 电脑是可以辅助你理解的工具,希望你将它视作工程学科上的工具,聪明的利用它。
We should learn how to mark a book intelligently while reading. 我们应该学习阅读时怎样在书上有见解地做批注。
As long as we act intelligently and promptly, we are bound to solve the present severe problem. 只要我们马上明智地采取行动,我们一定能够解决当前的这个紧迫的问题。