Having that intentionality to listen and allowing yourself to miss the boat sometimes [ is good enough]. 有时有意识地倾听,容许自己有时不得要领,这够好了。
The defiling effect of lesser transgressions is calibrated to the sinner's intentionality and the presence or absence of repentance. 相对较轻的犯罪带来的亵渎影响,随罪人的犯罪动机,是否出席祭祀仪式和是否悔改而变化。
Intentionality is a core issue of contemporary western philosophy. 意向性问题是当代西方哲学关注的核心论题。
The four ingredients of consciousness are awareness of consciousness, content of consciousness, intentionality of consciousness, and affection of consciousness. 意识的四个要素是意识觉醒、意识内容、意识指向和意识感情。
This thesis querys it from the psychic monobasic structure outlook, and paint out that the intentionality is not the essence of the psychic phenomenon. 研究发现《论语》中包含着孔子关于心理学思想的基本观点:心理二元结构观以及中庸的心理发展观。
Especially the referencing and inspiring function of his studying of Intentionality on the basis of naturalism biology for the study of artificial intelligence. 特别是塞尔在生物学自然主义的基础上,对意向性问题的探究为当代人工智能领域的研究以借鉴和启迪。
J.Searle thinks that the philosophy of language is a branch of the philosophy of mind and advocates explaining Intentionality by language. 美国当代哲学家塞尔认为语言哲学是心灵哲学的一个分支,并通过语言来解释意向性。
A Review of the Intentionality Theory of Proper Names and Its Enlightenment on Translation 专名意向性理论及其对专名翻译的启示
A Study of the Intentionality in Speech Act Theory from the Perspective of Language Philosophy 从语言哲学视阈谈言语行为理论中的意向性问题
In short, this Confucian theory of concretizing intentionality highlights the significance of the mind-world relation. 运世之化的心通物论,便要揭示意向的境域本质,也就是意境作为关联交融之境的重要意义。
This paper mainly deals with the functions of grammatical metaphor in text realization in terms of coherence, intentionality, informativity and situationality of a text. 本文从篇章的连贯性、意图性、信息性和情景性等几个方面来说明语法隐喻的运用实现或帮助实现了一定的篇章功能,语法隐喻是一种组篇工具。
With a character's actions and reactions to its environment you can show that it behaves with intentionality, and get inside its thought processes. 角色的作用与反作用到它的环境你能显示它的有意图的行为,并且得到它的思考过程。
JH: As I described earlier, the ego is a necessary formation for the creation of identity, consciousness, intentionality and purpose& all of which are pluses. 如前所述,自我是同一性,意识,意向性和目的产生的居所,所有这些都是正面的。
Then with the analyzing about intentionality, we reach the conclusion that objective things are the intentional objects of extroversive perception of the brain. 而后结合意向性分析得出客观事物为脑的外向感知之意向对象的结论。
Reflecting Phenomenology's Significance for Aesthetic from the Concept of Intentionality& Taking the Husserl's Phenomenology as Example 从意向性概念反思现象学对美学的意义&以胡塞尔现象学为例
This paper makes an analysis of the poem from the perspectives of intentionality and internal time-consciousness of phenomenology. 论文从现象学的意向性与内在时间意识角度对诗歌进行了阐释。
The New Perspective of Subjectivity Education& the Theory of Intentionality 主体性教育研究的新视野&意向性理论
At last, it mainly summarize and criticize the absolute reference and intentionality of casual reference theory from post modern contextual perspective. 最后,着重从语境论后现代性的角度对因果指称理论绝对所指观和指称的意向性方面进行了批判和总结。
The Searle's Theory of Intentionality and the Future of Artificial Intelligence 塞尔的意向性理论与人工智能的未来
A Reflection on the Nature of Language and Text Interpretation in Translation Studies Based on the Theory of Intentionality 从意向性理论看翻译中语言的本质和文本的阐释
Unconscious intentionality Dreams are a way for the subconscious to communicate with the conscious mind. 无意识意向性潜意识意向性梦是一种沟通潜意识与意识的方式。
In the course of manifesting "the Being", intention action constructs and manifests the object of intentionality. 在显现是者的过程中,意识活动构造并凸现意向对象。
The Paradox of Objectless Representations and the Forming of Husserl's Theory of Intentionality 无对象表象悖论与胡塞尔意向性理论的产生
Searle believed that any attempt to create intentionality artificially could not succeed. 塞尔认为,任何仅仅通过设计程序来人工创造意向的尝试都是不成功的。
Differences between Intentional and Unintentional Inhibition during Working Memory Retrieval; unconscious intentionality 工作记忆提取过程中有意抑制与无意抑制比较研究无意识意向性潜意识意向性
Functionalism theory advocates the intentionality of translation as a kind of human activities, focusing on the target text and target text readers. 功能派翻译理论以译语文本及译入语读者为中心.从新的理论视角提出翻译是一种目的性行为。
On Intentionality and Literary Translation Strategies from Functional Approaches 功能翻译理论视角下的意图性与文学翻译策略之选择
Our desire to see history through the lives of great men blinds us to the real complexity of politics, business and finance, and leads us to find intentionality and design where there are only chance and improvisation. 我们想通过伟人的人生观察历史,但这种渴望蒙蔽了我们双眼,让我们看不到政治、商业和金融的实际复杂性,也引导着我们去发现意图与计谋,其实其中只存在运气和即兴发挥。
On Sartre's view of intentionality, therefore, consciousness operates on two levels at once. 因此,就萨特的意向性观点而言,意识同时完成了两个阶段。
Yeats has achieved suggestive patterns of meaning by a careful counterpointing of contrasting ideas or images. Reflecting Phenomenology's Significance for Aesthetic from the Concept of Intentionality& Taking the Husserl's Phenomenology as Example 叶芝还实现了意义的深邃暗含,因为他将反差极大的意象对应起来。从意向性概念反思现象学对美学的意义&以胡塞尔现象学为例