You can use online collaboration to brainstorm and share ideas or projects interactively with others using Web 2.0 tools. 您可以使用在线协作进行头脑风暴并通过Web2.0工具与他人交互式共享思想或项目。
One popular profiler for PHP is Xdebug, which also provides server hooks to interactively debug PHP applications. PHP的一个较流行的分析器是Xdebug,它还为交互地调试PHP应用程序提供了服务器挂钩(hook)。
This governor allows the user or a program in userspace to interactively change the processor frequency. 这个调控器让用户或用户空间中的程序可以交互地修改处理器频率。
The target either is an existing SCA project or one that is created interactively using the wizard. 目标可以是一个现有SCA项目,也可以是使用该向导以互动方式创建的一个项目。
Switching back to Page Preview will retrieve data interactively. 切换到PagePreview将能交互检索数据。
Text-editing operations are normally done interactively, inside a text editor application. 文本编辑操作通常在文本编辑器应用程序中交互式地进行。
Invoke the DatabaseManager utility so developers can enter SQL statements interactively from the Workbench. 调用DatabaseManager实用工具,这样开发人员可以从Workbench交互式地输入SQL语句。
You can also edit the history interactively. 还可以交互式地编辑历史。
Code and execution output appears in one or the other, and you can interactively copy back and forth. 代码和执行输出结果可以显示在同一个或者另一个窗口,并且您可以交互式地向前或向后复制。
Note: The default behavior for working interactively with the data source can be changed for Query Studio. 注意:与这些数据源交互的默认行为可在QueryStudio中修改。
The user can interactively invoke mining by calling a corresponding stored procedure on the database from a Cognos report. 从Cognos报告中,用户可以通过调用数据库上相应的存储过程,交互式地调用数据挖掘。
All the queries in this article are designed to be issued interactively. 本文中的所有查询都是通过交互方式发出的。
In this section, learn how to create a Cognos report that allows you to interactively inspect outliers. 在本节中,学习如何创建允许交互式查看离群值的Cognos报告。
The remainder of this article discusses how to visualize outliers interactively in Cognos. 本文剩下的内容讨论如何在Cognos中交互式地可视化离群值。
Octave can operate in a scripted mode, interactively, or through C and C++ language bindings. Octave可以以一种脚本化模式非交互地进行操作,或者通过C和C++语言绑定进行操作。
The utility can be used both interactively or in batch mode for scripts. 可以以交互方式使用它,也可以通过脚本以批模式使用它。
The previous example of using the xwd command required that you select a specific window interactively. 前面使用xwd命令的示例要求交互式地选择特定窗口。
The code implements the JMX NotificationListener interface so that you can see things interactively. 这段代码实现了JMXNotificationListener接口,这样就可以交互式地看到所发生的事情。
The reports can be viewed interactively or chained to an automated build process like CruiseControl. 生成的报告能交互式的查看或者链接到诸如CruiseControl这样的自动构建系统中。
You can manage your infrastructure interactively by using the command line. 您可以使用命令行交互式管理基础结构。
Also settings for colors and font types can be made interactively and saved for later usage. 同时对于颜色和字形字体的设定也能够互动地完成,并且可以储存起来作为以后的用途。
Split edges and move points interactively with the Add Vertex Tool. 分割边缘和移动点交互与添加顶点工具。
The view can be rotated interactively. 可以交互旋转查看图形。
You can use the sqlcmd utility interactively to execute Transact-SQL statements in a command prompt window. 您可以使用sqlcmd实用工具以交互方式在命令提示符窗口中执行transact-sql语句。
Two new views let you work with forms and reports interactively. 两个新的视图允许您交互式地处理窗体和报表。
This allows you to interactively debug your hardware and software. 它允许你交互式地调试你的硬件和软件。
The administrator can setup the mapping interactively. 管理员可以建立和设置映射交互。
Draw edges interactively with the Add Edge Tool. 边画边添加交互与工具。
The local policy of this system does not permit you to logon interactively. 此系统的本地策略不允许您采用交互式登录。
You can install windows either interactively, or you can use an answer file to automate the process. 您可以使用交互方式安装windows,也可以使用应答文件使该过程自动进行。