Study on exponent, gamma and Weibull interarrival of seismic origin time 发震时间的指数分布、Gamma分布和Weibull分布之间关系的研究
In interarrival time analysis for earthquake occurrence, the exponent, Gamma and Weibull distribution are usually used. In this paper, the mathematical relations of these distributions and some features in earthquake sequence are studied. 从理论上讨论了地震发生时间研究中常见的指数分布、Gamma分布和Weibull分布模型之间的相互关系及其所反映的地震序列的特征。
To overcome the shortcomings of the Poisson model, a more general renewal point process model which has independent and identically Gamma distributed interarrival times is developed. The method to estimate seismic risk in a region and at a site using this model is presented. 为了克服泊桑模型的这种缺点,本文引进了一种地震间隔时间为Gamma分布的更新点过程模型,并给出了将这种模型用于一般地震危险性分析的方法。
It is believed that most of parameters influencing the interarrival time of landing are random variables, so the setting up of a runway landing capacity model must be based on probability theory. 认为影响到达时间间隔的因素大部分是随机变量,因此必须采用概率论的方法建立机场跑道运行容量模型。
Finally, the measurement and simulation results of pulse width and interarrival times are given. 最后进行了相应的测量及仿真,给出了脉冲间隔时间和脉冲宽度的概率分布曲线。
Additionally, provided that not all interarrival times distribution and ser-vice times distribution are of density function, the integral representation of the transient disribution of the queue length of these four queueing systems as indicated above is obtained by applying the theory of Markov skeleton processes. 此外,当到达间隔分布和服务时间分布不都有密度函数时,应用马尔可夫骨架过程理论,亦可得到上述四个排队系统的瞬时队长分布的积分表示。
This paper studies a queueing system wherein the distribution of the m-th interarrival time α_m-α_ ( m-1)( m ≥ 1) depends on the number of customers in the system at time α_ ( m-1). 探讨了一个有如下特征的排队系统:该系统的第m个到达间隔αm-αm-1(m≥1)的分布依赖系统在时刻αm-1拥有的顾客数目。
In this paper, G/ M/ 1 queuing model is used to analyze the queuing performance of generic variable length packet networks for the first time. The self-similar traffic is generated by multiplexing a large set of independent Pareto heavy-tailed interarrival ON/ OFF sources. 采用GM1排队模型对分组长度可变的网络的排队性能进行了分析和仿真,其中自相似业务量是通过叠加大量独立的到达间隔为Pareto重尾分布的onoff源来生成的。
Relations between the renewal number and the interarrival times are addressed. And the fuzzy style of elementary renewal theorem is given. 第一、研究了模糊环境下的延迟更新过程,分析了更新次数与点间间距的关系,给出了模糊环境下的初等更新定理。
A queueing system GI~ X/ M/ 1/ N with balking and batch arrivals was discussed. The interarrival and service times are arbitrarily and exponentially distributed, respectively. 研究了一个顾客成批到达,到达间隔服从一般分布,服务时间服从指数分布,1个服务台,等待队列长度有限,且具有阻行机制的排队系统GIX/M/1/N;
In this thesis under a general assumption on the distributions of the call holding time and the interarrival time, analytical models are developed to investigate the busy-line effect upon the interservice time distribution. Closed-form analytical formulae for the interservice time are derived. 假定呼叫持续时间和呼入呼叫到达间隔时间均服从一般分布,本论文提出了研究热线效应对服务间隔时间的影响的理论模型,得到了服务间隔时间的分布的闭合解析表达式。
The injection rate is the average interarrival time, the multicast size is the number of destination nodes, and the message length f is the number of flits in a message. 注射率的平均间隔时间,多目传播大小是指目的节点的数量,消息长度f是一个消息的字节流的数量。
Numerical study shows that big discrepancies exist between the interarrival time and the interservice time, and that the mean of the interservice time is sensitive to variances of the call holding time and the interarrival time. 数值分析表明,服务间隔时间和到达间隔时间之间存在差异,服务间隔时间的均值对呼叫持续时间和到达间隔时间的方差敏感。
The interservice time differs from the interarrival time due to the busy-line effect. 由于热线效应的存在,服务间隔时间不同于呼入呼叫的到达间隔时间。