Exciton States and Interband Transitions in Wurtzite ZnO/ Mg_xZn_ ( 1-x) O Coupled Quantum Dots 耦合ZnO/MgxZn(1-x)O量子点中的激子态和带间光跃迁
The fractional-dimensional space approach has been developed and applied to direct interband transition. 本论文发展并把分数维空间方法用于半导体带间跃迁光谱的分析上。
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The characterises of the absorption spectra can be well explained with the theory of the indirect interband transition. 用带际间接光学跃迁的理论完满解释了吸收光谱的特性。
We also investigate the dynamics of electrons and the quasi-energy spectrum of the system with strong interband coupling in real space, and obtain the phase-diagram in the parameter space. 另外,我们还研究了外场下强带间耦合的超晶格的动力学性质。得到在纯交流场和交直流场驱动下,存在强带间耦合时电子的动力学性质和系统的准能谱。
Intraband electronic interaction has bigger influence on isotope effect than interband electronic interaction. 结果表明,带内电子性作用比带间电子性作用对同位素效应指数的影响要大。
Pairing symmetry with interband interaction 配对对称性与带间作用
The physical characteristics of harmonic oscillator in the interband spectra of an n-dimensional solid are exhibited by the action of n/ 2-fold integral operator. n维固体带间光谱中的振子物理特征通过n/2次积分算符的作用表现出来。
The interband transitions between the subbands of conduction band and valence band for the Quantum wells and superlattices of semiconducters are discussed. 本文讨论半导体超晶格及量子阱导带和价带的量子化亚带或子能级之间的带间光跃迁过程。
The fractional_dimensional space approach and analysis of spectroscopic ellipsometry are used to study an oxide overlayer effect on the measurement of the parameters of interband critical point ( CP) of Si by a Si_SiO 2 model. 运用椭偏技术和分数维空间方法,对SiSiO2模型考察了表面氧化层的存在对从实验测得的光谱中确定Si临界点跃迁参数的影响。
A wavelength conversion method was demonstrated using cross-gain modulation caused by gain compression and interband carrier absorption in multi-quantum well semiconductor laser injected by a signal light. The signal amplitude of the conversion light changes with bias current of the laser diode. 实验利用光注入多量子阱半导体激光器产生的载流子消耗和带间载流子吸收产生的交叉增益调制效应,实现波长转换,转换光的光强变化幅度与偏置电流有关。
Relations between interband transitions and harmonic oscillator model, and between optical properties and dimensionality are discussed. 文中讨论了带间跃迁与振子模型,光学性质与维度性之间的物理联系。
Oxide overlayer effect on the measurement of the parameters of interband critical point: A fractional-dimensional space approach 表面氧化层效应对测量临界点跃迁的影响:分数维空间方法
The formula of T_c's equation and the isotope effect exponent of two-band s-wave superconductor in weak-coupling limit are derived by considering the influence of interband interaction. 在弱耦合极限下考虑带间相互作用,得到了二带s-波超导体临界温度Tc的公式及同位素效应指数的公式。
The Resonant Interband Tunneling Diode 谐振带间隧道二极管
The main contents and conclusions are as follows: 1. The interband spectra in a QW driven by a THz field are investigated within the theory of density matrix. 用密度矩阵理论研究了太赫兹场作用下量子阱的光吸收谱。
Superconducting transition temperature with interband interaction 带间作用与超导转变温度
Some obvious interband transition peaks have been observed by the modulated photo-reflection spectrum for S doped sample grown by MBE. 用MBE生长的δ掺杂样品进行光调制光谱测量,发现明显的带间跃迁峰。
Interaction of low energy electrons with a semiconductor surface will result in excitations of interband electron transitions and/ or surface vibrations. Probing energy distribution of the back scattered electrons with high resolution is thus expected to provide abundant information about the excitations. 低能电子与半导体表面的相互作用能激发带间电子跃迁和(或)表面振动,因而对背散射电子能量分布的高分辨率测量可望给出与这些激发相关的丰富信息。
The characteristics of SOA is in nature controlled in its active region by the intra-or interband carrier dynamics, which is eventually determined by the energy band structure of the active area. SOA中的各种特性本质上与有源区中载流子的带内和带间特性有关,而载流子的特性最终归结于有源区的能带结构。
With the change of the interband coupling, the features of the behaviors for the reflection and transmission probabilities with energy are basically not changed, however, the amplitudes are different. 随着耦合系数的改变,反射和透射几率随能量变化的特征基本不变,但是大小变化表现出了不同的特点。
We have found that the photo carriers are generated mostly from the interband transitions, different to the indirect transition mechanism in c-Si. 我们发现nc-Si:H薄膜中光电子跃迁主要来源于带间跃迁,但又不同于单晶硅材料的间接跃迁。
It is found that due to the interband coupling, for an incident heavy hole from the left FS, there are not only the inherent Andreev and normal reflections but also novel Andreev and normal reflections. 结果发现,由于带间耦合作用,重空穴从左入射(重电子从右入射)时不仅有固有的正常反射和Andreev反射同时也有新型的正常反射和Andreev反射。
The studies in this thesis demonstrate that the optical interband transitions in the nc-Si: H thin film are quite different from the indirect transition in c-Si, the transition probability and optical absorption in nc-Si: H are much higher than those in c-Si. 研究表明在nc-Si:H薄膜中光电子跃迁过程明显不同于单晶硅材料中的间接跃迁过程,前者具有较高的光电子跃迁几率和较强的光学吸收。
Owing to the influences of electron-phonon interaction and the lattice expansion, the three interband transitions present a redshift trend with increasing the temperature. 由于声子电子相互作用和晶格热膨胀,这三个带间电子跃迁能量值都随着温度的升高出现了红移的现象。
A simple model of calculating the linewidth enhancement factor ( a factor) is presented based on the theory of Henry. Interband transition, free carrier absorption and band gap narrowing are considered in this model. 本文从Henry提出的基本理论出发,考虑了带间跃迁、带隙收缩和自由载流子的吸收三方面因素对线宽展宽因子(α因子)的影响,给出了一种计算半导体激光器a因子的简单方法。
The three higher-order interband electronic transitions can be observed and uniquely distinguished. 薄膜的三个高阶带间电子跃迁可以观察到并进行了指认。
The infrared generation scheme is based on the resonant nonlinear mixing of the two optical laser fields which are from two interband transitions in the same active region and serve as the coherent drive for infrared field. 它们是基于在同一作用区产生并作为红外场量子相干源的两种带间跃迁激光场的共振非线性混合。
The effect of interband transition becomes stronger with the pumping intensity, and it results in the negative conductivity. 随着泵浦强度的增加,石墨烯在THz波段表现出很强的带间跃迁效应,对电导率负部贡献较大。