Plans call for up to10 interceptors in Poland and a radar system in the Czech Republic. 该计划要在波兰建立10个导弹拦截装置,在捷克共和国建立一个雷达系统。
Instead, I'll use a simple default combination of ready-made interceptors that can invoke the Radiology Department application. 相反,我将使用一个简单默认的现成的拦截器组合,该组合可调用RadiologyDepartment应用程序。
The interceptors in the examples simulate the ( de) compression of the payload using a very simplistic technique. 示例中的拦截器使用一项非常简单的技术来模拟有效负载的压缩(解压缩)。
As I mentioned earlier, instrumentation interceptors can be useful for contextual or range/ threshold based tracing. 正如我在前面所提到过的,插装截取程序对于基于上下文或者基于范围/阈值的跟踪是有用的。
Each invocation chain consists of a set of invokers and interceptors. 每个调用链由一组调用器(invoker)和拦截器(interceptor)组成。
The DAO interceptors have been enhanced to monitor the number of concurrent threads passing through the interceptors. DAO截取程序被加强了,它能够监控经过截取程序的并发线程的数量。
It specifies a property named interceptorNames, which wraps the names of one or more interceptors. 它指定了名为interceptorNames的代理,它将一个或多个拦截器的名称封装起来。
A nice addition to the EJB specification is the use of interceptors. EJB规范中新添的一个细致功能就是拦截器的使用。
CXF provides several ready-to-use interceptors and also allows you to add your own. CXF提供几种随时可用的拦截器并允许您添加您自己的拦截器。
Further, containers like Spring come with prepackaged interceptors to perform these tasks and more. 而且,类似Spring的容器都预装了拦截来执行这些任务和其他任务。
The handlers act as interceptors, and they process parts of the SOAP message and provide add-on services. 处理程序的作用是充当拦截器。它们将处理SAOP消息的各部分,并提供增值服务。
Security-related interceptors are expected to be created in the future. 在将来会创建与安全相关的拦截器。
The interceptors can target a specific subset of the deployed EJBs by further refining the definitions. 服务器端截取程序能够通过进一步细化定义来将部署的EJB的特定子集定为目标。
Another one or few interceptors can contain the actual business logic. 另一个或少数拦截器可包含实际的业务逻辑。
Interceptors use your application's access control policy to make authorization decisions. 拦截器使用应用程序的访问控制策略来做出授权决定。
RESTEasy uses listener objects called interceptors, which can intercept JAX-RS calls and reroute them. RESTEasy使用称为侦听器(interceptor)的监听器对象,侦听器能够监听JAX-RS调用并重新路由它们。
Modern containers use aspect-oriented programming ( AOP) and interceptors. 现代容器使用面向方面编程(AOP)和拦截。
I won't discuss the details of building or configuring CXF interceptors in this article. 我将不在本文中讨论建立或配置CXF拦截器的具体细节。
Interceptors are applied in accordance with a set of syntactical patterns and filters defined in the XML. 截取程序要依照一组语法模式和用XML定义的过滤器来应用。
Extending data services with service operations and interceptors 使用服务操作和拦截器扩展数据服务
For instance, the binding components provided by the PEtALS ESB can be extended with "interceptors". 例如,PEtALSESB提供的绑定组件就能使用“拦截器”进行扩展。
He says the United States will deploy radar sensors and interceptors in northern and southern Europe on ships. 他说美国会在欧洲南部和北部布置船基的雷达探测器和拦截导弹。
These are called interceptors. 这叫做拦截器。
The Pentagon is preparing to start negotiations with Poland and the Czech Republic about hosting missile interceptors and radars. 美国五角大楼正准备与波兰和捷克展开谈判,计划在这两个国家部署导弹拦截系统和雷达。
Additionally, you will use Service Interceptors to add validation support and Service Operations to perform custom queries. 此外你也可以使用服务拦截器增加加验证支持和自定义查询的服务操作。
Accessors and interceptors are discussed later in this document. 访问器和拦截器将在本文档的后面讨论。
CRISPY also provides a fine invocation control through interceptors and/ or modifiers. CRISPY同时还提供了对于拦截器以及/或修改器更好的调用控制。
He reviews how to use the EJB3 interceptors, servlet filter interceptors, EJB client-side interceptors and context passing, and Spring interceptors to capture application performance metrics. 他回顾了如何利用EJB3拦截器、Servlet过滤器拦截器、EJB客户端拦截器和内容传递,以及Spring拦截器来捕获应用的性能指标。
And this time around it can even auto-build interceptors if you so choose. 而且这次它甚至还可以自动造截击机&只要你选上选项。