
网络  汇率贬值与做市商间



  1. In the past few months, officials have also expanded their inquiries to hedge funds that place big bets on movements in those rates and the interdealer brokers that serve as go-betweens with the banks, according to people familiar with the probe.
  2. Up to 10 authorities around the world are investigating potential manipulation of the rate in a probe that has embroiled around 20 banks and interdealer brokers.
  3. The settlement also points to a co-ordinated effort across banks to manipulate market rates for profit, using as intermediaries the interdealer brokers whose normal function is to assist banks to trade with each other on an undisclosed basis.
  4. At least a dozen banks and interdealer brokers are potentially under the spotlight of the three separate EU probes, according to regulatory findings and Financial Times investigations.
  5. Back in the days of the "last" market crisis in 2008, a senior official at an interdealer broker one of the firms that trade securities observed an interesting pattern.