We live in an increasingly interdependent world. 我们生活在一个越来越相互依赖的世界。
Most rule management environments have useful capabilities to manage compound rules, decision tables, and interdependent rule elements. 许多规则管理环境能够管理复合规则、决策表和相互依赖的规则元素。
The reduction of trans fatty acids in the food supply is a complex issue involving interdependent and interrelated stakeholders. 减少食物中反式脂肪酸是一个复杂的问题涉及到相互独立和相互联系的利益者。
The caste systems of sex and race are interdependent and can only be uprooted together. 性别和种族的等级问题相互依存,除非一道连根拔起,否则不可能消除。
All nations now are interdependent one upon another, and this is generally realized throughout the western world. 所有的国家都相互依存,这一点得到了西方国家的普遍认同。
Being INTERDEPENDENT is totally different from being INDEPENDENT. 做到互助和独立是完全不同的概念。
A reciprocal relation between interdependent individuals or groups. 相互依赖的个体或群体之间的关系。
But we cannot escape the reality that in ways large and small, we live in an interdependent world. 但是,我们无法逃避的现实,无论大型和小型的,我们在一个相互依赖的世界里。
We are living in a very interdependent world. 我们生活在一个高度相互依存的世界里。
They are interdependent and frequently have problems because of their different ways of working. 他们是相互依存的,由于不同的工作方式,他们经常会有问题。
New disarmament agenda and international security in the interdependent world 在相互依存的世界上的新裁军议程和国际安全
Person and the natural environment are be interdependent, mutual effect, the unity of opposites entirety. 人与自然环境是相互依存、相互影响、对立统一的整体。
Linguistic structure and boundary are an interdependent unity. 语言的结构和边界是一个互为依存的统一体。
Within a running application there are many interdependent objects that are "wired" together. 在一个运行中的应用程序中,会有许多彼此依赖的对象纠缠在一起。
They are interdependent and interact with each other affects. 他们相互依存相互作用相互影响着。
In the era of globalisation, we are interdependent. 他补充表示:在全球化时代,我们相互依赖。
The three parts are interactive and interdependent. 主体和客体同样是动态的和能动的。
Peace, development and environmental protection are interdependent and indivisible. 和平、发展与环境保护三者是互相依存,不可分割的。
HIV/ AIDS is a powerful example of how interdependent health and security have become. 艾滋病毒/艾滋病是个有力的例子,证明健康与安全已变得多么相互依赖。
We are interdependent personalities who need one another's presence in order to fulfill our destiny. 我们是相互依靠的人格,需要彼此的存在来完成我们的命运。
That we are all interdependent. 我们都是相互依赖的。
We are truly interdependent. 我们是真正的相互依存。
For example, you might update multiple resources that were interdependent. 例如,您可能更新相互依赖的多个资源。
We have become more interdependent; greater interdependence increases the need for co-ordinated action. 我们已变得更加相互依赖,而更高程度的相互依赖增大了协同行动的必要性。
All living things are interdependent. 所有的生物都是互相依存的。
Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part. 尊重众生的互存关系并肯定我们是这关系网中的一份子。
Economic development and environmental protection are interdependent to each other. 经济发展和环境保护是相互依赖的。
You are the sky, I was wheat, interdependent. 你是天空,我是小麦,相互依存。
It is a closed loop interdependent system. 这是一个相互依存的闭环系统。
In an interdependent global economy, yes, we need China to be a responsible stakeholder. 在一个互相依存的全球经济中,的确,我们需要中国成为一个负责任的利益相关者。