He listened thoughtfully, interjecting only the odd word. 他仔细地听着,只是偶尔插句话。
Women tend to undermine themselves by using softer wording, such as I think or maybe, or even apologizing for interjecting. 女性容易用一些气势弱的词削弱自己,比如我认为或也许,甚至会为插话道歉。
I apologise for interjecting myself in your inspection tour. 抱歉打扰你进行检查的工作。
Correcting someone when they're blatantly wrong is one thing, but always interjecting your opinions out of turn gets old fast. 不要打扰。当别人有错误的时候纠正是一回事,但是常常不合时宜的插入自己的观点容易加快变老。
I couldn't say a single sentence without somebody interjecting. 无人帮腔,我一句话也说不了。