The Palaeoproterozoic Erdaowa Group distributed in the north Hohhot, Nei Mongol is composed of metamorphic detrital sediment and carbonate with intermidiate basic volcanics. 出露于内蒙古呼和浩特北部的二道洼群,为一套陆源碎屑岩碳酸盐岩夹中基性火山岩变质建造。
Conduct heat oil is one excellent intermidiate heat transfer medium 导热油是一种优良的中间传热介质
Results: ① The intermidiate cuneiform bone has the least blood vessel foramina with an average number of 6.23 ± 2.31 and the number of nutrient foramen is 2.46 ± 1.04; 结果:①跗骨中的第二楔骨血管孔最少,平均为6.23±2.31个,滋养孔2.46±1.04个;
The Simple Calculation of Intermidiate Process Dimension 中间工序尺寸的简易计算
Results have shown that the densified monophase solid solution ( 0.2%~ 0.3% oxygen content) with homogeneous composition could be made by mixing Nb-Al intermidiate alloy powder and Ti powder that followed by compacting and sintering in vacuum at 1700 ℃ for 4h. 结果表明:采用Nb-Al中间合金粉和Ti粉,经混合、压制成形后,于1700℃真空烧结,保温4h,可制得致密且成分均匀的单相固溶体(氧含量0.2%~0.3%)。
The studies show that the rocks in Okinawa Trough is of a subalkaline rock series. The basic rocks belong to a transitional form between tholeiite series and calc alkalic series while most of the intermidiate rocks and acid rocks belong to calc alkalic series. 研究表明,冲绳海槽火山岩均属亚碱性系列,基性岩具有拉斑玄武岩系列和钙碱性系列的过渡性,中、酸性岩多属钙碱性系列;
Gold and Gold Alloy Coatings, and their Intermidiate Coating 金和金合金镀层及其中间镀层
The target compound will be an important intermidiate for modification of α-estradiol in the 17 β-position. 目标物17β-乙炔基雌二醇可作为17α-雌二醇17β-位结构改造的重要中间体。
In recent years, in the wake of the progress and development of society, copper electroplating is widely applied in electronic information industry, the surface decoration of household appliances, the intermidiate coating of other metals plating and many other fields. 近年来,随着社会的进步与发展,电镀铜工艺广泛应用于电子信息行业,日常家具的表面装饰,其他金属的中间镀层等领域。