ADJ 无休止的;没完没了的;冗长不堪的 If you describe something as interminable, you are emphasizing that it continues for a very long time and indicating that you wish it was shorter or would stop.
The play dragged on, and seemed interminable. 演出拖拖拉拉地进行着,仿佛没完没了。
What interminable rotten luck! 真是倒了八辈子霉!
The distance seemed interminable, and the walk was most laborious. 距离好像无穷无尽似的,走起来真够吃力。
The way seemed interminable, and the streets like the black web of some sprawling spider. 路仿佛没有尽头,街道就像触足伸开的蜘蛛编织成的黑网。
I suppose this sort of Pilgrim's Progress was justified by the end; but it seemed interminable to me, in spite of the pleasant surprises that met me now and then at a turn in the road. 我觉得《天路历程》的结局是比较合理的,尽管在天路的转弯处,我偶尔也会遇到惊喜,但是在我看来,这部作品似乎过于冗长乏味了。
I object only to the interminable comments and bewildering criticisms that teach but one thing: there are as many opinions as there are men. 我所反对的只是冗长而令人困惑的评论,但有一件事是肯定的:有多少人就有多少种观点。
There are interminable things in Hawaii to visit and enjoy like wonderful coastlines, forests and volcanoes. 在夏威夷你可以享受无穷无尽诸如美妙海岸线、森林及火山这样的景点。
Even after final rulings are made, doubtless be interminable hearings on how to implement them. 甚至在终审裁定后,无疑将会是对如何执行裁定举行无止尽的听证会。
I had interminable problems with my last computer; it never worked well. 我过去的那台计算机没完没了地出故障,它从未好好地运行过。
We had to sit listening to dad's interminable war stories. 我们不得不坐下来听爸爸那冗长的战争故事。
He spent the whole lunchtime telling this interminable shaggy dog story about an actress and a bishop. 整个午餐时间,他都在滔滔不绝地讲一名女演员和一名主教之间滑稽的故事。
We are tired of the interminable waiting. 这种无止境的干等让我们厌倦。
Stared from the interminable plain. 横过一望无际的平原盯着人看。
The Odyssey taught humanity the dangers of hubris and the need for flexible responses to interminable and unpredictable setbacks. 《奥德赛》的故事向人类讲述了自负的危险,也教会我们应当灵活应对没完没了、无法预测的挫折。
She launched into an interminable battle with the school governors. 她开始对校董们展开一场无休止的斗争。
When conducting performance reviews, the Bank of Montreal no longer rewards managers for working interminable hours. 在进行工作表现评估时,蒙特利尔银行就不再褒奖那些没完没了玩命工作的经理们。
Don't say anything, John. You'll only set him off on one of his interminable war stories. 什么都别说了,约翰,你只要激发他讲一个长长的战争故事就行。
He was soon lost in the noisy and slowly moving crowd, busy with interminable bargainings. 不久,他在喧嚷,慢慢移动而又忙于讨价还价的人群当中消失了。
He made an interminable argument. 他无休止地争论。
Life is nothing but the occasional burst of laughter rising above the interminable wail of grief. 人生也没什么,就是在冗长无尽的悲伤无奈中,偶尔燃闪出零星的快乐火花。
No, John, I won't be dragged into making polite conversation with the wives, while you have one of your interminable meetings with the men. 不,约翰,我不愿被迫与那些女人进行礼貌谈话,而你却和男人们开无体止的会议。
Their quarrels about the trivia are always interminable. 他们对琐事的争吵总是没完没了。
When you are on an interminable conference call, it makes sense to catch up with some e-mailing. 在出席冗长的电话会议时,抓紧时间写点电子邮件是合理的。
A weekend of interminable meetings, and no skiing. 一个周末的冗长会议,连滑雪的机会也没有。
Too often the history of Europe is described as a series of interminable wars and quarrels. 欧洲历史往往被描述成一系列无休止的战争和争吵。
Endless debates; an endless conversation; the wait seemed eternal; eternal quarreling; an interminable sermon. 没完没了的争论;冗长的会话;等待好象是无止境的;没完没了的争吵;没完没了的说教。
But as the fight staggers into interminable rounds is our eye on the right fight? 但是当争斗变得没完没了时,我们看到的还是一场正义的竞赛吗?
I tried for a while to list the quotations on an interminable amount of stock. 我勉强列了一会那些不计其数的股票行情。
We have all experienced interminable delays and bungled responses by airlines leading to passenger tantrums. 我们都经历过长时间的航班延误,也遇到过机场拙劣的回应激怒旅客的事件。
Yours 4th negotiation outlook interminable before our president return here end march. 你方4日电收悉。在我公司董事长三月底回来之前,估计交涉不会有结果。