But when it comes to the younger set, women may be finding more opportunities to cheat via interoffice affairs and the good'ole World Wide Web. 但是到年轻人那里,女性可能找到更多的机会背叛丈夫,比如办公室恋情,网恋。
Interoffice direct signalling system for telephone automatic switching network GB3379-1982电话自动交换网局间直流信号方式
Messages are often transmitted via telephone, Telex, interoffice delivery system., conventional Postal Service mail, or overnight delivery service such Federal Express. 信息经常通过电话、电报办公室间的传递系统、常规的邮政服务邮件、或者是像联邦快递一样的昼夜传递服务来传送。
Your chief executive has sunk to unacceptably low commercial and moral standards in conducting an interoffice affair with the wife of a colleague. 你的CEO能与同事的太太搞办公室婚外恋,表明他的商业和道德标准已经低到令人无法容忍的地步。
The systems allow carriers to offer more high-bandwidth data services over their existing fiber-optic access and interoffice networks. 这些系统允许电话公司在现有的光缆接入和局间网络上提供更多的高带宽数据服务。
This paper presents a formal description method using CCITT SDL/ GR Language. The SDL/ GR state pictures of interoffice signallings for a SPC tandem exchange under various junction conditions are discussed. 本文提出基于CCITTSDL语言基础上的信号系统格式化描述方法,并给出了一个程控市话汇接局在国内网中各种接口条件下的局间信号SDL/GR状态图。
It is useful to describe the operating process of interoffice signalling sys-tem clearly, accurately and visually for their study, analysis, design and implementation. 简洁、准确和直观地描述局间信号系统的工作过程,将有助于局间信号设备的研究、分析、设计和实现。
Then, it describes in detail the application of WDM systems on long distance lines and possible applications in local networks, including those interoffice lines and some access lines. 接着,详细说明时分多路系统在长途主干线路上的应用,以及最近引伸至市内骨干网和接入网的应用。
The Design and Implementation of Automatic Detect System for Interoffice Telephone Trunk 局间中继线路自动侦测系统的设计与实现