It is the revolution and consummation of interpellation system in our country. 第四部分是我国质询制度的改革完善。
In this part, first describe the origin and the current situation of interpellation system in our country. 第三部分是质询制度在我国的实施现状列举并案例分析。
Some countries have set up procedures for interpellation of maritime liens. 有些国家已经建立了海事优先权公示催告程序。
The Research of Legal System on the Shareholders Interpellation Rights 股东质询权法律制度研究
The Paper is divided into three chapters. Chapter one is about the interpretation of the law theory in Interpellation power. 全文共分三章,各章的内容如下:第一章:质询权的法理解读。
However, the process of portraying is infused with a special symptom of anxiety, which results in a pattern of interpellation of heroes being entangled with anxiety about heroes. 然而,这种模塑工艺却浸透着中国式焦虑症的辐射,即英雄询唤和英雄焦虑相纠结的方式。
Interpellation power is an important right of all levels of organ of state power given by the Chinese Constitution and law. It implies picketing and blame on the mistakes of the government agencies and their staff, which is a rigid monitoring methods with a bit of impeachment. 质询权是我国宪法和法律赋予各级国家权力机关的一项重要职权,暗含有对国家机关及其工作人员工作失误的纠察和责问,是一种刚性的带有一点弹劾性质的监督方法。
In order to balance the interests between the parties, the law also gives people the right of interpellation and the right of rescission. 为平衡当事人之间的利益,法律还赋予相对人以催告权和撤销权。
Chapter two discusses the status and causes of legal regulation of Interpellation power. 第二章:质询权法律规制的现状及成因。
This paper concentrates on studying the present situation of the regulation system of the interpellation in the Vietnam legal documents, and points out its shortcomings. 本文还研究了越南法律文件中关于质询活动的法规体系现状,指出其存在的缺陷,由此对质询及其质询答复的法律体系提出改进措施和建议。
Although the interpellation had a long history in this world, questions about activities of scientific basis, theoretical method and documents of legal norms are not been fully studied. 然而在世界上,质询活动虽有相对悠久的历史但关于质询活动的科学基础、理论方法以及法律规范文件还未得到充分研究。
This declaration releases signals that NPC will strengthen supervision. Interpellation power will be activated. 这种表态,释放出人大将加强监督的信号,质询权的沉睡将被激活。