Therefore, interrogators should follow certain principles to properly use the deceptive and luring strategy. 因此讯问人员应当遵循一定原则,正确使用欺骗、引诱性策略。
He never saw his interrogators because he was always blindfolded. 由于总是被蒙着眼睛,他从未见过审问他的人。
The very fact that CIA interrogators thought they needed to water-board two prisoners a total of 260 times says all that needs to be said about efficacy. 中情局的审讯人员认为,他们需要对两名囚犯总共实施260次水刑,这本身就充分说明酷刑的效力有限。
Would interrogators be justified in, say, torturing or killing the children of a suspected terrorist to persuade him to give up information they considered vital to save American lives? Presumably, Yes. 比如说,将来审讯人员为了从恐怖主义嫌犯那里获得他们认为对拯救美国人的生命至关重要的信息,而折磨或杀害嫌犯的子女,这种行为会不会也说得通呢?
And it made her an instant hero among the millions of television viewers who had tuned in to watch the face-off between the Murdochs and their parliamentary interrogators. 而对于默多克在听证会上的表现,几乎所有媒体都引用了他在听证会上的开场白,“这是我人生中最为卑微的一天”。
After his arrest, Hanssen himself told his interrogators of how easy it was to smuggle information out of FBI headquarters. 汉森被捕后,曾亲口对讯问他的人员讲述将情报从FBI总部私带出来是多么容易的事。
The interrogators finally got a statement out of die prisoner, but it was not a true One. 审讯者终于从罪犯那里得到一份供词,但这不是一份真实的供词。
She apparently convinced her Nazi interrogators she was a local member of the French Resistance. 她显然向拷问她的纳粹分子招供,说自己是法国当地的居民。
He says that, during his initial two months in the United States, he had been subjected to harsh mental and physical torture by agents and interrogators from the CIA. 他说,他在美国的头两个月,遭到美国中情局特工和审问者严酷的精神和肉体折磨。
They may possess valuable intelligence information which interrogators can obtain from them. 它们可能掌握重要情报而被审讯人员获得。
"As far as I was concerned," rundstedt, who was reinstated on september4as commander in chief in the west, told allied interrogators after the war," the war was ended in september." 于9月4日恢复西线总司令职务的伦斯德,战后对盟军讯问人员说:“对我个人来说,战争在9月里就已经结束了。”
Word of the probe follows release of a report showing interrogators used harsh tactics including a threat to kill one suspect's children. 随着调查报告的公布,报告中的文字显示了审讯者曾使用一些残酷的手段,包括威胁杀死一位疑犯的孩子。
For the moment Central Intelligence Agency interrogators are confined to the gentle methods laid out in the army field manual. 目前,中央情报局(cia)的审讯人员只限使用《美国陆军战地手册》(armyfieldmanual)中列出的温和手段。
I personally have no doubts that within a few years the Turing Test will be passed, particularly if "average" interrogators are involved. 我个人看法,毫无疑问数年之内,机器将会通过图灵测试,尤其当“普通人”审问者参与其中。
Turing's concept was that a machine would need to fool a minimum of30% of its "average human" interrogators into not being able to correctly state which half of the screen was which in order to pass. Turing的想法是,要通过测验,一台机器需要至少将30%的“平常人”(身份)审问者无法正确地说出辨屏幕背后哪一半是人哪一半是机器。
My father told his interrogators that he was ready to make a confession. 我的父亲告诉他的审问,他愿作一个交代。
The secondary radar IFF ( Identification of Friend-or-Foe) systems mainly consisting of interrogators and transponders, are used to identify the friend-or-foe attribute of the targets that are detected by the primary radar. 二次雷达敌我识别系统用于识别一次雷达检测到的目标的敌我属性,它主要是由询问机和应答机两部分组成。
Ne Win's relatives told the interrogators they made their plans because they had lost money due to the government's economic policy, and because they no longer enjoyed special privileges. 奈温的亲属告诉审问者,他们策划政变是因为政府的经济政策导致他们损失了许多钱,而且他们不再享有特权。
On the background of normal radio frequency identification system, this paper introduces Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum and adaptive fre-quency hopping in grouping interrogators which can decrease fixed frequency interference and increase ratio of identification. 论文以一般的射频识别系统为背景,通过引入扩谱跳频和自适应跳频组网,减小固定频率干扰的影响,提高射频识别率。
In the light of this framework, we address two research questions ( 1) How are different types of Theme and different patterns of thematic progression adopted by interrogators in police interrogation? 在这样的框架下,我们主要分析两个问题:(1)在讯问过程中,讯问人员是如何利用不同主位和主位推进模式的?
In investigative interrogation, interrogation language is the information carrier of interrogators and suspects, and the effective tool of embodying and carrying out interrogative strategies and methods. 在侦查讯问中,讯问语言既是沟通讯问人员与犯罪嫌疑人的信息载体,也是体现和实施讯问谋略和方法的有效工具。
This thesis finally provides a tentative model as the guideline for interrogators on how to choose proper question types and sentence structures in order to transmit information more effectively. 最后,本论文提供了一个模型供讯问人员在选择问题类型和句子结构传递信息是参考,以使信息传递更加有效。
Due to using the same work frequency and all-direct responding in the systems, there are a great deal of effects such as fruit garbling and capture, which will badly impose the right identification probability of the interrogators. 在现有的二次雷达敌我识别系统中由于采用全呼叫方式和同频工作,系统内部存在着各种干扰,如窜扰、混扰、占据,这些干扰将对系统的正确识别概率存在着严重的影响。
Therefore, these verbal cues are believed in the present study as red flags of deception and helpful clues for the interrogators to perceive the psychological status of lying suspects. 因此,这些语言线索在本研究中被认为是欺骗的标志,并且是帮助讯问人员洞察嫌疑犯心理的有益线索。
Questioning the application of strategies can be to help interrogators to obtain the true confessions of criminal suspects. 讯问谋略的适用,可以帮助讯问人员获得犯罪嫌疑人的真实口供。
Interrogators during questioning of criminal suspects against the psychological characteristics shown to adopt different ways and means of interrogation, the suspect for uniforms to achieve the intended purpose of the questioning clear away the obstacles. 讯问人员在讯问时针对犯罪嫌疑人所表现出来的心理特点而采取不同的讯问方式和方法,会为制服犯罪嫌疑人,达到讯问的预期目的扫清障碍。
Meanwhile, the investigation officer will examine the characteristics and emotional characteristics of understanding, and also help to interrogators avoid weaknesses. 同时,对侦查讯问人员的意志特点和情感特点的了解,也有助于讯问人员扬长避短。