I could not say all I wished because of the interruptions. 由于他不断的插话,我无法把想说的话都说出来。
Please go ahead with your story, there won't be any more interruptions. 接着讲你的故事吧,不会再有人打岔了。
Such interruptions will only hinder our reaching a solution. 这种干扰将会阻碍我们找出解决问题的方法。
Avoid multitasking if you can, and shut out interruptions and distractions as much as possible. 尽可能不要同时处理多项任务,避免干扰和分心。
I cover the impact of interruptions thresholds and latency problems on DRM usage criteria and suggest some solutions. 我还介绍了中断阈值和延迟问题对DRM使用标准的影响并提出了一些解决方案。
In this article, I explore how to resolve the problem of frequent interruptions while downloading DRM content. 在本文中,我将探索如何解决下载DRM内容时遇到的频繁中断问题。
Knowing this information before bottlenecks occur and alleviating it with additional DataPower devices can help you avoid system interruptions. 在出现瓶颈之前了解这个信息,并使用更多的DataPower设备来缓解它,从而使您避免系统中断。
This results in less user interference and fewer interruptions due to space constraints during normal workload. 这可以减少用户的干预,并且可以减少由于空间限制导致工作负责被中断的情况。
A typical technique to avoid multiple interruptions is to use one event for all updating on a page. 避免多个中断的常用技术是将一个事件用于页面上的所有更新。
Do you find that the busier you are, the more interruptions and requests you get? 你是否发现自己越忙,就越容易有各种各样的干扰和要求?
This means no external interruptions as well as no interrupting yourself. 也就是说没有外界的干扰,还有你自己也不要妨碍自己。
Now eg after all these interruptions I can get on with my work. 现在我可以继续工作了如受多次打扰之后。
Operating a home business is seldom easy and interruptions come in all shapes, sizes and forms. 经营业务很少回家,容易干扰到各个形状,大小和形态。
I got exasperated by interruptions, for I had to complete the monograph by the end of this week. 我为老是受到打断干扰而感到恼怒,因为我不得不在本周内完成这篇专题文章。
"There are fewer interruptions and less stress when kids are out of the house," said Dr. 当孩子离开家后,打扰更少了,压力也变小了。
Interruptions come in a person's life and we can't stop them-nobody can. 生活中总有些阻碍,我们不能阻止它们发生-没有任何人可以。
Numerous interruptions have prevented me from finishing the work. 无数的打岔的事使我未能完成工作。
But for these interruptions the meeting would have finished. 如果没有干扰,会议早该结束了。
His day was fragmented by interruptions and phone calls. 他的一天被打扰和电话搞的支离破碎。
Try to arrange your time so you have few interruptions or meetings; 安排好你的时间,这样就不会有打扰或会议;
Other people's interruptions of your work are relatively insignificant compared with the countless time you interrupt yourself. 与你自己无数次打断自己相比别人对你工作旳干扰微不足道。
As mentioned earlier, you can use it to ask for interruptions. 正像一开始提到的,你可以使用它来请求暂时的干扰。
Constant interruptions interfere with my work. 一次又一次的干扰妨碍我的工作。
By providing feedback and timely responses we could provide critical shortage management to address the supply chain interruptions. 提供反馈和及时的反应,我们可以提供紧缺的管理,以解决供应链的中断。
So what are some of the things we can do to minimise such interruptions and distractions? 那么有什么方法可以让我们把干扰和注意力分散最小化么?
I couldo without all these interruptions. 我希望没有这些干扰。
And more interruptions with family life. 并侵扰了家庭生活。
Interruptions in routine services can also be deadly. 常规服务的中断也可能具有致命危险。
The more pictures on your desk, the more distractions and interruptions you invite. 你桌上的照片越多,干扰和影响你的因素就越多。
I hate interruptions, especially when I'm trying to work. 我讨厌别人打扰,尤其是当我要工作的时候。