The priest intones the final prayer. 神父庄重地念了最后的祷文。
Congress has a responsibility to force George Bush to end this war, he intones in every speech. 在每一场演说中,他都调明声高地批评“国会有责任迫使乔治布什结束这场战争”。
The storyline might be convoluted but the moral is clear: "life," Ms sun intones, "is a university with setbacks." 故事情节也许较为曲折,但寓意却不言而喻:“生活,”孙雨高声说道,“就是一所挫折大学。”
I'm here because GM is here,'Mullaly intones with aw-shucks brotherly love. 我是因为通用才来这里的,穆拉雷带着朴素的兄弟般的情谊说道。
The full text totally is divided intones four article: Advertisement creativity that sign learn the combination/ come together the theories and advertise the sign, advertise the sign and advertisement to spread, advertise the information to spread, the multi-media ages considers. 全文共分四篇:符号学组合/聚合理论与广告符号、广告符号与广告传播、广告信息传播、多媒体时代的广告创意思考。