N-UNCOUNT 不妥协;不让步;不调和 If you talk about someone's intransigence, you mean that they refuse to behave differently or to change their attitude to something.
He often appeared angry and frustrated by the intransigence of both sides. 他似乎常常为双方各不相让而生气沮丧。
He often appeared angry and frustrated by the intransigence of both sides. 他似乎常常为双方各不相让而生气沮丧。
South Korea's anger over the North's intransigence may be rising. 韩国可能会对持强硬立场的北韩越来越愤怒。
Intransigence must be met with increased pressure& and such pressure exists only when the world stands together as one. 如果拒不悔改,则必须施加更大的压力借以抗衡&全世界只有通力合作才有可能施加这样的压力。
Yet more than diplomacy is needed to overcome the intransigence of those who believe the only path to victory is the destruction of the other. 然而,要化解冲突双方的不妥协态度,需要的不仅仅是外交努力,因为冲突双方都坚信,取得胜利的唯一办法就是毁灭对方。
For the global response to Iran and North Koreas intransigence, a new international norm is emerging: Treaties are binding; rules will be enforced; and violations will have consequences. 面对伊朗和北韩的不妥协,全球正出现新的国际标准:即条约具有约束力,规则将付诸实施,违约将受到制裁。
The bigger worry is that her intransigence poses a real threat to the economic wellbeing of her compatriots. 更大的担忧在于,费尔南德斯的不妥协对其同胞的经济福祉造成了实实在在的威胁。
The collapse of the talks is being blamed on the umion's intransigence. 工会的不妥协态度被指责造成谈判破裂。
So we remain extremely concerned that political intransigence will lead to a breakdown in deficit reduction negotiations, resulting in a last minute measure to only raise the debt limit. 因此我们非常担心政治分歧可能导致赤字缩减谈判破裂,最终导致最后关头仅达成提升债务上限方案。
It was also thwarted by Republican intransigence. 共和党方面的不妥协形成了阻碍。
Other finance ministers told the Financial Times of their despair at the intransigence of both sides. 其他国家的财长对英国《金融时报》表示,他们对双方的不妥协态度感到绝望。
Hanan Ashrawi says it is Israeli intransigence that has long stood in the way of peace. 阿什拉维说,是以色列的不妥协态度长期阻碍了和平。
Only eight chapters out of more than 30 have been opened – the rest blocked by the intransigence of Cyprus, France and other sceptics. 在30多个入盟协定章节中,只有8章开启谈判,其余各章受到塞浦路斯、法国和其他怀疑者的顽固阻挠。
It all fits into a pattern, they say, of a leader who shies away from necessary conflict, refuses to understand the intransigence of his enemies, would rather split differences than make a firm stand and lacks the courage of his own convictions. 这与他们所说的如下模式一模一样:领导人不愿作必要的斗争,不愿去了解对手的不妥协性,情愿选择折中方案,而不是坚定立场,没有勇气做自己认为对的事。
As you can see, the dark cabalists remain defiant and their escalated aggressive measures speak to their unreasoning intransigence. 正如你所看到的,黑暗的分子和他们升级的挑衅行为中表达了他们的正在丧失理智。
But by combining theatrical intransigence with real pragmatism, he still played quite a pivotal role in ensuring the handover was smooth. 不过,通过将夸张的不妥协态度与实实在在的务实态度相结合,他在确保香港平稳交接的过程中(依然)发挥了关键作用。
Sometimes, if we abandon some of our parochialism, advantages, and intransigence, we can get more. 有时,如果我们能放弃一些我们的固执,狭隘和一些优势的话,我们可能会得到更多。
In fact, there are certain realities that will constrain and channel US foreign policy whoever is sitting in the White House: the intransigence of Iran, the broken nature of Afghanistan, the increasing assertiveness of a rising China, the financial constraints on us power. 事实上,不管谁在白宫主政,都有几个现实会限制和影响美国外交政策的走向:伊朗的不妥协、阿富汗的破碎性质、正在崛起的中国越来越自信、美国实力所受到的财力限制。
When things aren't going your way, do you throw a tantrum or are you the peacemaker? West European leaders presented themselves to their publics as mediators between American intransigence and Soviet aggressiveness. 如果事情不如你的意,你大发一场脾气呢,还是做个和事佬?西欧领导人在公众面前摆出不肯让步的美国和咄咄逼人的苏联之间充当和事佬的架式。
Reckless intransigence was not enough for Republicans to dictate fiscal policy; they also needed a majority in the house of Representatives. 不顾一切的不妥协本身不足以让共和党人支配财政政策;他们还需要在众议院拥有多数席位。
S.credit worthiness, which Standard& Poor's blamed in large part on chronic political intransigence in Washington. 标准普尔下调美国信用等级的很大一部分原因是抨击华盛顿存在长期的政治对立和僵局。
His face shows, as he stares at the fire, a blend of fastidiousness and intransigence. 他盯着火焰,脸上显出爱挑剔和不妥协的混合表情。
For various reasons not least, Republican intransigence those hopes have been disappointed. 出于各种原因(特别是共和党的不妥协态度),这些期望落空了。
The reason for this lamentable state of affairs is political intransigence or lack of focus. 会出现这种令人遗憾的局面,原因是政治上拒绝让步或缺乏关注。
Any economic slowdown that pushes up US unemployment would test the patience of American lawmakers with Chinese intransigence on the level of its currency or any other trade-related issue. 任何推高美国失业率的经济减速,都会考验美国立法机构对中国在汇率或其它贸易相关问题上不妥协态度的耐心。
The intransigence of the landowners. 土地所有者的不妥协态度。
A first move by the government is vital, as its intransigence and refusal to implement the six-point peace plan has been the greatest obstacle to any peaceful political process, ensuring the distrust of the opposition in proposals for a negotiated transition. 叙政府第一步行动非常关键,因为它的不妥协和拒绝执行执行“六点和平计划”一直是任何和平政治进程的最大障碍它的这种态度导致叙反对派对通过协商实现过渡的方案充满怀疑。
A comparative analysis among the fine art works, traditional patterns, trademark symbols, popular words on Internet is presented firstly, then the definition and basic feature of graphic symbols in pragmatics is derived by means of the combination of intransigence and unitary. 通过和美术作品、传统图案、商标符号和网络流行字比较,采用分离性和统一性结合的方式得出语言符号学上图形符号的概念和特征。