When you now try to pass a derived subclass in terms of a base type at run time, the subclasses will not be recognized by simply introspecting the interface parameter types. 现在,如果在运行时作为基类型传递派生的子类,那么无法通过检查接口参数类型识别出子类。
This is not only great for creating applications quickly but also lends itself to introspecting a running application. 这不但适合快速创建应用程序,而且有助于对运行中的应用程序进行内省。
However, there is not an option to check if objects implement the interfaces they claim to implement, and there is no way of introspecting an object to list the interfaces it supports. 不过,没有选项来检查对象是否实现了它们所声明的接口,而且也没有办法可以调查对象内部以使列出其支持的接口。
Using these capabilities and similar features, you can find just about everything you need for quickly introspecting on a class or object. 使用这些功能及类似的特性几乎可以找到在类或对象上进行快速自检所需的一切。
Introspecting the Female Liberation under Chinese Market Economy System 反思中国市场经济体制下的女性解放
Introspecting this period of history we set a referential historical coordination for the present. 反思这段历史,为我们今天树立一个具有参照意义的历史坐标。
Ecological Economy: from Introspecting Traditional Economy to Facing Ecological Risk 生态经济:从反思传统经济到面对生态风险
Criticizing and Introspecting on Public School's "Bureaucracy Criticism" 公立学校科层制批判的反思与批判
By analyzing the narrating spaces of the 1980s 'novels, we can reveal the complicated cultural relationships of this period and the influences that state ideology had on literature. Thus the purpose of introspecting the literature and system of that time will be accomplished. 通过对80年代初小说叙事中空间的分析,可以揭示该时期复杂的文化关系和体制意识形态对文学深刻影响,进而达到反思当时的文学、体制等问题的目的。
Introspecting of some questions about Chinese language Curriculum Criterion for Compulsory Education 反思《义务教育语文课程标准(实验稿)》中存在的问题
It is the essential key factor in a political teacher's speciality grows up that teaching is reflected, a political teacher, to one's own teaching behavior, self-close examination, introspecting and surmounting of the technical ability, experience, idea and background. 教学反思是政治教师专业成长中必不可少的关键因素,是政治教师对自身的教学行为、技能、经验、理念和背景的自我审视、反省和超越。
This paper introduces the connotations of accounting credit and vocational ethics of accountant, and advances some measures for improving the credit and vocational ethics of accounting business through publicizing, learning, introspecting and implementing. 介绍了会计诚信和会计职业道德的含义,提出了通过宣传、学习、反省、落实来提高会计行业的诚信与职业道德的措施。
This topic, proceeding from facts of our national enterprises, has analysed relations between S T progress in enterprises and market economy by introspecting the weakness of effective needs of S T results and serious rise and fall. 本文从我国企业的现实出发,通过对企业对科技成果有效需求的疲软和大起大落这两种不正常现象的反思,分析了企业科技进步与市场经济的关系。
In the background of introspecting the modernity, the thinking style and theories of post-modernity could help us produce new comprehensions and explanations on views of the modernization of physical education which promote "quality education"," life-long education" and "health-first education". 在反思现代性的历史背景下,借鉴后现代的思维方式和理论,有助于我们对体育教育现代化所倡导的素质教育、终身体育、健康第一的教育理念产生新的理解和诠释。
Meanwhile, many questions in the course of practice are worth introspecting and probing conscientiously. 实践中提出了诸多值得认真反思和研究的问题。
Value relation between people and nature and the aggravation of the environmental pollution are all worth introspecting by us. 人和自然界的价值关系与环境污染的不断加剧都值得人类的反思。
Introspecting the Question of Chinese Literature in Post-modern Language Context 后现代语境中的中国文艺问题反思
The teachers who are capable of introspecting have the awareness of questions, responsibilities and self-education. 反思型教师具有问题意识、责任意识和自我教育意识。
After the revolution and the civil war, in the middle 17th century ideas theories introspecting reflection resulted in new political ideas and theories. 17世纪中叶,20年的革命和内战以后,英国人对革命进行了深刻的反思,由此涌现的新的政治思想和观念,对18世纪英国乃至西欧北美的政治发展都影响甚巨。
The properties of introspecting, practicing, application and comprehensive constitute the basic characteristic of the course property to the Chinese Marxism's hermeneutics; 反思性、实践性、应用性和综合性构成了中国马克思主义解释学学科性质的根本特征;
Introspecting this cultural phenomenon, we can get a lot of beneficial enlightenment on the construction of our nation's culture. For one thing, we need pay attention to economic resources of television media; 反思这一文化现象,可以得到许多对我国文化建设有益的启示:一是要注重挖掘电视传媒的经济资源;
The change is also a process of culture reconstructing, which reconstructs the relations between human and nature, human and human, human and society by introspecting the value society of human beings. 这一变革也是文化重建的过程,通过反省人类的价值世界,重建人与自然、人与人、人与社会的关系。
Based on the Chinese own characteristics, scholars gradually recognize the role of morphemes play in the lexicon teaching of TCSL and begin to strengthen in-depth understanding of the morpheme and advocate Morpheme Pedagogy on constantly introspecting and summarizing. 在不断的反思和总结中,学界逐渐认识到了语素在对外汉语词汇教学中的作用,开始加强语素法的研究,倡导语素法教学词汇。
Based on introspecting classical growth economic theory, this part expounds the causing disaster effect on process of production and put forward that market failure and government failure is two causes leading to disasters through analyzing the disaster occurrence from the point of view of economics., 4. 在对传统经济增长理论的反思基础上,考察了生产力发展过程中的致灾效应,从经济学角度分析了灾害的产生,指出市场失灵和政府失灵是产生环境灾变的两大原因。
Introspecting both sides rationally is good for us to explore the way that can make Chinese drama develop better. 对双方立场的理性反思,有利于我们探索中国戏剧发展的更为健全的道路。
The enlightening strategy of overall introspecting tradition was based on the rationality tribunal. 全面反省传统的启蒙策略立基于理性法庭之上。
Second, introspecting the theoretical dilemma about de-humanization of art and the realistic dilemma about the separation from society. 第二,反思了西方唯美主义去人性化的理论困境和隔离现实的现实困境。
It embodies the introspecting particularity of modern and culture. 体现着现代与文化本身反思性的特质。
In the meantime, Levi-Strauss is also a scholar who has an introspecting spirit. His deep thinking in writing communication method inspires the succeeding researchers, and has a close relationship with critical theories. 同时,列维-斯特劳斯也是一位具有反思精神的学者,他对书写传播方式的深思启发了后继研究者,并与批判理论有着千丝万缕的关系。
Being a new kind of economic development strategy, the principle of the circular economy is developing gradually, which is based on the deep introspecting of traditional one-way consuming economy. 作为一种新的经济发展战略,循环经济的思想理念是在对传统单程消耗式经济发展模式深刻反思的基础上逐步形成和发展的。