By the time I left the country I was similarly inured to the regular irregularities of life there. 我离开印度的时候,对这种“正常的”不正常生活也已经习以为常。
I have become quite inured to human suffering during my time here at the Institute! 我在协会工作的时间已经让我变得对人类的苦难很习惯了!
People are stuck on a treadmill: as they achieve a better standard of living, they become inured to its pleasures. 人们陷入了一个怪圈:当生活水平提高的时候,反倒为其所赋予的愉悦所伤。
Cried Hester Prynne, who, however inured to such behaviour on the elf-child's part at other seasons, was naturally anxious for a more seemly deportment now. 海丝特白兰嚷道,她平时尽管已经熟习了这小精灵似的孩子的这种举止,但此时自然巴不得她能表现得更懂规矩些。
A younger son, you know, must be inured to self-denial and dependence. 你知道,一个小儿子可就不得不克制自己,仰仗别人。
Even in a country inured to hardship and suffering, the infection of such a large number of people within a radius of a few miles was shocking. 不过,在几英里半径的范围内,就有如此多的人感染HIV,即便是在柬埔寨这样多灾多难的国家,也相当令人震惊。
Living in the far North had inured him to cold. 生活在遥远的北方已使他习惯于寒冷。
The public is by now inured to awful public finance figures, and the coalition may not have a real fight on its hands until the cuts start to bite next year. 公众迄今已习惯了可怕的公共财政数字;而在减支计划明年开始显示出威力前,执政联盟恐怕并不需要面对什么真正的挑战。
Though the food became no more palatable, he soon became sufficiently inured to it. 虽然食物变得不再可口,但他很快就完全习惯了。
After spending some time on the island they became inured to the hardships. 在岛上待了一段时间后,他们适应了艰苦。
After months of rolling crises, I ( like most people) have become almost inured to the words being bandied about; in the wake of 2011, disaster headlines have lost their shock appeal. 在危机绵延了数月之后,我(和大多数人一样)几乎已经完全习惯了那些被四处传播的用语;在2011年之后,报纸上大字标题中的危机已经无法让人产生震憾感。
He has inured himself to accept misfortune. 他锻练了自己,使自己能承受不幸。
One, inured to misfortune by her fatherland, another, overwhelmed with grief by her husband, another, a Madonna transfixed by her child, each could have made a river with her tears! 有的人,祖国使她饱经灾难,有的人,丈夫让她伤痛不已,有的人,孩子让她变成了利剑穿心的圣母,每个人都能用泪水?出一条河流!
There are all kinds of cartoon images here at the Kingdom of Discovery. I am already inured to the weird. I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Herbert was still as fat as ever. 这发现王国,什么卡通形象没有啊,我已经见怪不怪了。按电铃后,我毫不奇怪地发现Herbert还象以前一样胖。
He was inured to the cold. 他已经习惯于寒冷了。
In the five years since the run on Northern Rock, one might think the City of London has become inured to banking scandals. 在北岩银行(NorthernRock)遭到挤兑后的五年里,人们可能以为银行业丑闻对金融城来说已经是家常便饭。
Poverty have inured the beggar to hardship. 贫穷已使那乞丐惯于艰困。
Once old Joe had inured himself to the solitary life of a widower, he began to improve in health and spirit. 一旦老乔适应了鳏夫的孤独生活,他的身体和精神状况便开始好转了。
Inured to cheap goods, they are also inured to punishment and the threat of it. 他们习惯了廉价货,也习惯了受惩罚和别人威胁惩罚他们。
They were even inured to the economic instability that had followed the change of government. 他们甚至习惯于政府更迭后出现的经济不稳定。
After living here for years I've become inured to the cold climate. 我在此地居住多年,已习惯寒冷的气候。
By remaining in the neighbourhood, I am become inured to it. 我一直呆在这一带,对此已经习以为常了。
We have become inured to the stinging insects here. 我们已经习惯了这里叮人的虫子。
As we know, there was a habit in China long ago& his parents or teachers usually corrected his habit if he always was inured to use his left hand in everything. 我们知道,很早以前,在我国有这样的习惯&一旦某人是“左撇子”,他的家长或老师总是尽量给予纠正。
But has the divorce truly inured global markets to evidence that the US consumer, and thus the bulk of the economy, is buckling under the stress of a weak housing market and high gas prices? 但是,面对美国消费者及其经济的大部分领域正在承受房地产市场疲弱和油价高企的压力,这种脱节是否真的让全球市场对这些证据熟视无睹呢?
The old soldier was so inured to danger that he became careless. 那位老战士已习惯了危险因而变得无所谓。
How to Legally Analyze the Trading Action of Inured Civil Judgment Paper 生效判决书买卖行为的法律分析
Although Chinese think cows are stubborn and stupid, they generally consider cows to be inured to hardships, modest, diligent and sacrificing. 中国人虽然认为牛有固执、愚蠢的一面,但对牛的总体印象却是吃苦耐劳、谦虚、勤劳、具有奉献的精神等。