v. 内陷,内折(形成腔式囊); 使入鞘;收进鞘中; 收进鞘中;陷入 invaginate的第三人称单数
The nuclear membrane invaginates and lysosomes are internalized. ( 3) determination of solute concentration in various solutions by NTM; 核膜内陷,于是溶酶体被内在化。(3)各种物质溶液浓度的核孔膜测定;
The cell membrane invaginates, encloses the fluid or particles, then fuses again, forming a vesicle that later detaches and moves to the cell interior. 细胞膜先内陷关住液体或微粒,然后再次加以融合,形成小泡,小泡随后脱离细胞膜进入细胞内。
In the late spermatid, one side of the acrosomal vesicle invaginates to form a PAS negative central canal. 后期精细胞在与头帽相对一端的顶体囊泡中央发生凹陷形成PAS阴性的中央管;