Inventiveness means that, as compared with the technology existing before the date of filing, the invention has prominent substantive features and represents a notable progress and that the utility model has substantive features and represents progress. 创造性,是指同申请日以前已有的技术相比,该发明有突出的实质性特点和显著的进步,该实用新型有实质性特点和进步。
However, there is enough color, wit and inventiveness in the film to ensure a good time for both children and adults. 但是,影片中绚丽的色彩、令人欲罢不能的机智桥段以及别出心裁的创新能确保大人与小孩都可以在影院中度过一段快乐时光。
I think acting is a mixture of instinct, imagination and inventiveness. 我认为演戏是直觉、想象力和创造能力的混合。
Edisons ability to monetize his inventions because of intellectual property rights made it possible to continue his life of inventiveness, and gave birth to the film and music industry, among many others. 因为知识产权,埃迪森有能力利用他的发明赚钱,使他能够继续他的创造性生活,电影和音乐产业,以及很多其他产业得以诞生。
When it comes to encouraging jobs, the Republican failure is largely one of inventiveness. 提到促进就业,共和党人的失败大部分可归咎于缺乏创造性。
Your strong points are your creativity and inventiveness. 你的长处是你的创造性和发明能力。
Those people have quick minds and inventiveness. 双子座的人思维敏捷,有创造力。
Acute foreign observers related American adaptiveness and inventiveness to this educational advantage. 目光敏锐的外国观察家把美国人的适应能力和创新能力与这种教育优势联系起来。
Article 22. Any invention or utility model for which patent right may be granted must possess novelty, inventiveness and practical applicability. 第二十二条授予专利权的发明和实用新型,应当具备新颖性、创造性和实用性。
Inventiveness and originality in love come naturally to you without great effort. 爱情中的任何新奇创意对你而言都是毫不费力的。
You will be working in a changing situation, where initiative, inventiveness and a bold independence are important. 你将在变化的环境中工作,主动性、创造性和大胆独立性将至关重要。
His inventiveness most often manifested itself as a skill in lying. 他的创造性经常是表现在说谎的本事上。
By eliminating barriers to creativity, the Gore culture encourages problem solving and inventiveness. 消除创意障碍,戈尔公司的作风鼓励解决问题及创新发明。
There is such colour and harmony, such inventiveness and lightness to his work. 他的作品如此生动与和谐,非常富有创造性和亲和力。
In the long history of man's inventiveness, discoverers seem to into two classes. 在人类发明创造的历史长河中,发现看起来分为两类。
The diversity of forms of innovation that have been developed over the years states the inventiveness of human race. 多年来创新的形式不断更新,显示了人类的创造力。
This color-sensitive inventiveness leads to a variation of repetitions of form and motifs. 此颜色敏感的发明导致了变化重复的形式和图案。
He had a good mind-bright, attentive studious, unmarked by originality or inventiveness. 他头脑很清醒-人很聪明,读书又用功,不过没有突出的独立见解和创新的意见。
He had also noted a change in perceptions of Germans, he said, so that alongside reliability, discipline and inventiveness, outsiders felt Germany was a more relaxed place to live. 他还指出,外界对德国人的看法发生了改变,因此加上可靠性、纪律性和创造性,外国人感觉在德国生活更舒心。
Every statesman must confront new and sometimes extreme situations that require inventiveness and creative action. 每一位政治家都必需面临,新的及有时是极端的情势,而那需要有创造力及具创意的行动。
The difference with that last 3M story is that it took place in China a country famous for its low-cost manufacturing but not, in its recent history anyway, for its inventiveness. 3m最后一个故事的不同之处在于:它发生在中国一个以低成本制造业、而非创造力闻名的国度(至少在最近历史时期)。
Along with human creativity and inventiveness, intellectual property is all around us. 与人类的创造力和独创性一起,知识产权一直围绕在我们身边。
Showing inventiveness and skill. 表现出创造性和技巧。
It was a revolution in intellectual thought and inventiveness. 实则是一次思想意识和发明创造的革命。
The inventiveness once necessary for survival may also be a part of the national dream. 曾经为生存所必需的那种发明创造能力,可以说依然是美国理想的组成部分。
Apart from the great curtailment of inventiveness, this schematism may be harmless for small-scale works, but when applied to large-scale, tectonic projects it leads to monstrosities. 和创造性的削减分开,这个系统性组合可能对小比例的作品是无害的,但应用到大比例时,对于构造的项目,它可能导致畸形。
In many ways, Google has become the poster-child for this new wave of inventiveness. 从许多方面衡量,谷歌已成为新一波创新浪潮的佼佼者。
In the search for laws he displayed inventiveness in hypotheses. 在寻找定律时,他发挥了对假说的创造性。
It is implied that adaptiveness and inventiveness of the early American mechanics. 文中暗示了美国早期技工的适应性和创造性。
These differences include the bolder and more forthright speech of the later generation and its technical inventiveness. 这些不同包括了下一代人大胆直率的言辞和他们的技术发明性。