No priority inversions: High-priority threads cannot be blocked by low-priority threads holding locks they need because medium-priority threads are running. 无优先级反转:高优先级的线程不会因中优先级线程正在运行,而被持有其所需锁的低优先级线程阻塞。
The same inversions could have made the Titanic` s rescue rockets appear lower in the sky, giving a rescue ship the impression that the Titanic was smaller and farther away, Maltin said. 马丁还说,这一逆温现象也使泰坦尼克号发射的遇难信号弹看起来比天空更低,使得救援船只产生了错觉,以为泰坦尼克号体积更小,距离也更远。
British meteorologists later monitored the site for those freaky thermal inversions and said 60 percent of the time they checked, the inversions were present, Maltin said. 马丁说,英国气象学家随后在该地对这一奇异的逆温现象进行了监测,结果在60%的监测时间里,都存在这种逆温现象。
Although senior Republicans have also lambasted inversions, the two parties cannot agree on how to tackle the problem. 尽管资深共和党人也严厉指责反转合并,但两党没能就如何解决这个问题达成统一。
The prediction came as concern mounts in Washington over a rise in merger deals, known as inversions, which US multinationals use to move their headquarters to countries with lower corporate tax rates. 这个预测出炉之际,华盛顿对合并交易活动的增加加剧担忧。美国的跨国公司利用这种被称为反转(inversion)的操作,将总部转移到企业税税率较低的国家。
Jack Lew, the US Treasury secretary, said yesterday that while the White House wanted to overhaul the whole corporate tax system, there is one loophole that should be shut down immediately – inversions. 美国财政部长杰克•卢(JackLew)昨日表示,虽然白宫想要彻底改革整个公司税体系,但有一个漏洞是应该立即补上的,那就是税收倒置。
You know who else is worried about inversions? 大家知道还有谁对税收倒置感到担心吗?
But congressional staff said the U-turn did not signal victory in the broader fight against inversions and vowed that work would continue on legislation to curb them. 但国会工作人员表示,沃尔格林的回心转意并不标志着对税收倒置行为的总体打击取得了胜利,他们誓言将继续致力于通过立法来遏制这种行为。
Writing philosophy does not require elaborate formulations, esoteric words, purple prose, neologisms, or inversions of the natural order of words. 写作的哲理不在于精心雕琢的表达,深奥艰涩的词句,华丽的散文语言,标新立异,或正常语序的错乱倒置。
This measure is called the number of inversions in the sequence. 这种计算方法称为序列的逆序数。
The article tries to study Chinese and English inversions from the structural differences and effects of expression. 文章拟从结构差异和表达效果两方面对英汉倒装句进行对比研究。
The symmetry of the circle, the square, and the face are associated with rotations or inversions in space. 圆、正方形和人脸的对称与空间的转动和交换有关。
Laplace Transform Inversions and Perturbations of the Operator Families 算子族的Laplace变换反演与扰动
US companies are using inversions to shift their addresses to countries with lower tax rates, reducing their US tax bills and putting their non-US earnings beyond the reach of the American authorities. 美国企业纷纷利用税收倒置交易,将自己的注册地转移至税率较低的国家,以减少它们在美国的应纳税额,让美国政府无法对它们在美国以外获得的利润征税。
For noise free surface NMR signals, both flattest and smoothest model constrained inversions can infer correct water content distributions. 对无噪音数据,平坦模型和光滑模型约束对反演的含水量分布影响不大;
Chromosome breaks may also lead to inversions and translocations. 染色体破裂也可能引起倒位与易位。
Inversions of intervals in the diatonic major scale are as follows: An inverted major second becomes a minor seventh; an inverted major third becomes a minor sixth; 自然大调音阶的音程转位如下:转位后的大二度变为小七度;
Handles lateral velocity variations, velocity inversions and blind zones. 处理横向速度变化,速度倒置和盲区。
The sequence`` AACEDGG''has only one inversion ( E and D) it is nearly sorted while the sequence`` ZWQM''has6 inversions ( it is as unsorted as can be exactly the reverse of sorted). 序列“AACEDGG”逆序数为1(E与D)&近似排序,而序列``ZWQM''逆序数为6(它是已排序序列的反序)。
Inversions set yoga apart from other physical disciplines: Psychologically, they allow us to see things from another perspective. 倒立练习是瑜伽与其他练习方式的不同点:从心理层面讲,倒立让我们从另一个角度看事情。
Chord inversions occur when the bottom note of a chord is placed above any of the other notes. 当和弦的底音被其他音替换时就发生了转位和弦。
Inversions are excellent preparations for forward bends since these opses draw the mind inward and develop focus that is helpful for looking inward. 倒立是非常好的前屈准备体式,因为这些体式能够将意识带向内,培养专注力,这些有助于我们进入内在的探索。
Large scale waveform inversions of surface wave for anelasticity ( theory and method) 非弹性表面波大尺度波形反演(理论和方法)(英文)
Based on non-linear optimal theory, the paper presented a method for non-linear inversion of seismic data under structural-logging constrain, which integrated advantages of such linear inversions as logging-constrained inversion and broadband-constrained inversion. 基于非线性最优化理论,本文提出了构造&测井约束下的地震资料非线性反演方法,该方法综合了测井约束反演和宽带约束反演等线性反演方法的优点。
This paper introduces the components and functions of software of seismic reservoir inversions and hydrocarbon detection. 本文介绍了地震储层反演及油气检测软件系统的构成和功能。
In process of solution there are no numerical inversions of matrices and no matrix operations. 求解过程中避免了通常隐式格式所要求的大量数值矩阵求逆和大量的矩阵运算。
Due to the configuration inversions of chiral carbon in the synthesis of side chain, we synthesized the corresponding optical isomer of doripenem for quality control. 由于在侧链的合成中,有手性碳原子发生了构型翻转,因此我们合成了一个相应的多利培南光学异构体,以利于质量控制。
Research of Seismic Tomography in Capital Circle Area from Pn and PmP Wave Travel Time Inversions 首都圈地区Pn和PmP波层析成像研究
Contrasts four time inversions results, studies the Chongqing hot island effect the evolution rule and the characteristic; 对比四个时相的反演结果,研究重庆市热岛效应的演变规律及特征;