Its aura of invincibility faded quickly, forcing zuck& Co to go back to basics. 它的不败光环迅速褪去,扎克伯格和他的公司被迫从头开始。
His invincibility seeped into the Libyan mind through fear. 他的无坚不摧是通过恐惧渗入人们心中的。
As Gemini considers danger about as seriously as they consider the rest of life, there is a need to restrain a sense of heroic invincibility. 双子认为是危险的,因为他们认真考虑其余生活有必要抑制无敌英雄感。
Yet sada achieved his fundamental objective of shaking belief in israel's invincibility and Arab impotence. 然而萨达特却达到了他的基本目标动摇了那种认为以色列是不可战胜的,而阿拉伯是软弱无能的信念。
The myth of invincibility surrounding the champion was shattered by her failure to qualify. 围绕这位冠军的常胜神话被她未取得参赛资格所打破。
Chris-chain slide touch has more invincibility, faster motion. 克里斯-滑铲无敌更长,动作快。
Yet there are signs the belief in US invincibility is waning. 但有迹象显示,“美国无敌”的信念正在不断削弱。
The myth of his and Nazi invincibility had been completely destroyed. 过去他本人之神奇传说,以及纳粹之不败言论,至此乃完全破灭。
Invincibility or unrealistic beliefs in one's abilities. 无敌或不切实际的信念在人的能力。
Invincibility mask, in the two-propeller helicopter shot down after a random. 无敌光罩,在击落双螺旋桨直升机之后随机出现。
He has not competed since then, a fallow period during which he lost his world record and, perhaps, his invincibility. 在他封闭训练的这段蛰伏期内,他的世界纪录被打破,随之破碎的也许是他战无不胜的神话。
Someone said it shattered our sense of security and invincibility forever. 也有人说它将永远打破我们的安全感和天下无敌的观念。
If we manage to put together a series of victories, this invincibility would be worth a lot more. 如果我们能够获得一系列的连胜,这个根深蒂固的事实拥有更多的价值。
So improving our commercial banks operating performance is very important to invincibility in the competition between the banks. 若要在竞争中占据优势,提高我国商业银行的经营绩效是目前亟待解决的问题之一。
They had spent six years since the lightning Six Day War flexing their invincibility ( Howard Kaplan) 自从那次显示他们战无不胜的闪电似的六日战以来已有六年了(霍华德卡普兰)
Our image of invincibility evaporated. 我们战无不胜的形象化为泡影了。
With the continuous deepening of the national health care reformation, hospitals want to invincibility in the fierce market competition, hospitals must strengthen its financial management. 随着国家医疗卫生改革的不断深入,医院要想在激烈的市场竞争中立于不败之地,医院必须加强财务管理工作。
Surely the invincibility shown last season will not stand for long. 皮雷上赛季有着优异的表现,是否能保持呢。
A year ago, Roger Federer left Centre Court a broken man after losing an epic five-set final, his Wimbledon title ripped away and his aura of invincibility shattered. 1年前,同样在中心球场上,费德勒鏖战五盘却爆出最终惜败的大冷门。“温布尔登之王”头衔离他远去,不败光环也随之粉碎。
The third aspect is related to the elimination of the traditional practice of building corporate culture. To build a learning-oriented enterprise and to innovate the construction of organizational culture are two ways that would guarantee the invincibility of an enterprise. 三是破除传统的建设企业文化的做法,创建学习型企业、创新组织文化建设,这是企业立于不败之地的保证。