The farmers will be paid for their grain in cash, instead of IOUs. 农民卖粮,将以现金支付,而不是白条了。
Dozens of companies signed up last week to sell short-term IOUs called commercial paper to the Fed, which will purchase three-month debt that has high credit ratings. 数十家美国公司上周签署协议,向Fed发售属于短期债性质的商业票据。而Fed将购买高信贷评级的3个月期债券。
Most firms haven't set aside cash or stock for these IOUs. 大多数公司都没有为这类债务留出现金或股票。
Its pursuit of a mercantilist exchange rate policy has boosted official reserves to more than$ 3tn, which are substantially invested in the IOUs of its strategic rival. 中国执行重商主义的外汇政策,推动官方外汇储备超过3万亿美元,其中大部分投资于战略对手的国债。
The practice of incurring corporate IOUs for executives'pensions and past pay is perfectly legal and is common in big business, not limited to financial firms. 公司递延高管退休金和以往薪水的做法绝对合法,在大公司里也很常见,并不仅限于金融公司。
Even some very wealthy families, would normally not be spending all kinds of fees for children, but to write them to the home, IOUs, asking them to return after graduation. 即使是一些非常富裕的家庭,也通常不会替孩子支出各种费用,而是要他们给家里写借条,要求他们毕业后返还。
With the US budget deficit declining and the Treasury extending the maturity of IOUs, issuance of short-term Treasury paper has been cut back. 随着美国预算赤字的降低和美国财政部延长借据(IOU)期限,财政部短期票据的发行也有所减少。
Yet the funding advantage of issuing copious ious in the global reserve currency now faces its biggest test as the US budget deficit hits 13 per cent of gross domestic product and unfunded liabilities reach four times GDP. 然而,随着美国预算赤字突破国内生产总值(gdp)的13%,无资金准备的债务达到gdp的4倍,美国大量开具全球储备货币“欠条”的资金优势如今面临着最重大挑战。
Corporate bonds issued by banks jumped in value and their yields fell sharply, while interest rates on short-term IOUs known as commercial paper decreased. 银行发行的公司债券价格飙升,收益率大幅下滑,而企业短期借贷的商业票据利率出现回落。
But it did not take long for them to discover that in normal times their customers would only wish to withdraw a limited proportion of their holdings each year and they could safely lend out a multiple of their deposits, provided their ious were generally acceptable. 但没过多久他们就发现,在正常时期,客户每年只想提取所存资产很小的一部分,所以只要他们的欠条被普遍接受,他们就可以安全地借出数倍的储蓄。
Bonds are simply IOUs issued by firms and governments. 债券是由公司或政府签发的形式简单的欠款单。
By issuing the IOUs for what is considered non-priority payments, including vendor bills and tax refunds, the state is taking steps to ensure debt service on California's nearly$ 70bn in general obligations bonds, Douglas Offerman, an analyst at Fitch, said. 惠誉分析师道格拉斯奥弗曼(DouglasOfferman)表示,通过为卖方账单和退税等被视为非优先支付签发欠条,加州正在采取措施,确保近700亿美元一般义务债券的偿还。
Objective To investigate the application of the intraoperative ultrasonography ( IOUS) in the liver and pancreatic tumor surgery. 目的探讨术中超声在肝胰肿瘤手术中的应用价值。
How far are governments able to meet their social promises, and how and when will they settle or partially default on their ious? 各国政府能在多大程度上履行它们的社会承诺?它们如何及何时偿还或部分偿还自己的欠债?
Next year we should not issue IOUs to farmers again when we purchase farm produce and sideline products from them. 明年我们不应再给农民打白条了。
Other lending markets, including commercial paper, which are short-term IOUs issued by companies, have also struggled, potentially causing a credit crunch to spread throughout the economy. 商业票据等其他一些贷款市场也苦苦挣扎,可能导致信贷危机蔓延到整个经济领域。
One way of viewing the American Social Security Trust fund is as a massive cookie jar filled with IOUs. 美国的社会保障信托基金可看做是一个装满欠条的巨型饼干罐。
Before the words were out of my mouth, I grew anx ¬ ious, nauseous and was close to tears. 在我说话之前,我变得很焦虑,令人作呕的,几乎想要掉出眼泪。
Here is a state so strapped for cash that it recently resorted to paying its workers with IOUs rather than money. 资金极其拮据的加州,近来竟然以白条而不是现金支付员工的薪水。
The use of IOUs for non-priority payments would offset cash shortfalls into September 2009, as currently projected, Fitch said. 惠誉表示,按照目前的方案,对非优先支付打欠条可以应对今年9月前的资金短缺。
In turn, that calls for domestic and foreign investors to absorb smoothly and trustingly the voluminous amounts of IOUs being offered by the US government. 反过来,这就要求国内外投资者平稳而放心地吸收美国政府发行的大规模债务。
California's IOUs lack the flair of much Depression-era scrip; they are basic, pale-green government-issue checks, except they bear the telltale label'Registered Warrant. 加州政府的IOU缺乏大萧条时期代币的那种美丽,样式简单,不过是政府出具的淡绿色票据,只有上面标注的“凭票支付”能说明这张纸片的用途;
No. They are not cash although they are often handled like cash. You know stamps ant IOUs cannot be deposited. 尽管有时将它们像现金一样地操作,可它们仍然不是现金。你知道邮票和借据是不能储蓄的。
It is imperative that local government departments of all levels stop writing out IOUs to farmers and teachers. 各级地方政府部门必须立即停止向农民和教师打白条。
How about stamps and ious? Are they cash or not? 邮票和借据怎么样呢?它们是不是现金呢?
Objective To evaluate the role of intraoperative ultrasonography ( IOUS) in diagnosis of choledocholithiasis. 目的探讨术中超声检查在诊断胆总管结石方面的临床应用价值。
Objective To discuss the application of intraoperative ultrasound ( IOUS) in the donor surgery of living donor liver transplantation ( LDLT). 目的探讨术中超声在活体肝移植(LDLT)供体手术中的应用。
Meningiomas were hyperechoic, homogenous and well delineated, additionally, IOUS was helpful to demonstrate whether the venous sinus was compressed or invaded in parasagittal meningioma. 脑膜瘤表现为边界清晰的均匀高回声,术中超声可显示窦旁脑膜瘤对静脉窦的压迫或侵犯;
Especially as a developing country, China must think carefully(?) ious effects which carbon tariffs brought to our country. 尤其对于中国这样的发展中国家来说,不得不慎重思考碳关税之于我国的种种影响。