ADJ-GRADED 不合逻辑的;不合理的;荒谬的 If you describe someone's feelings and behaviour as irrational, you mean they are not based on logical reasons or clear thinking.
But they know investors are acting irrationally. 不过,这些投行也知道,投资者正失去理性。
We can show compassion, sense mood swings, detect subtle non-verbal cues, tolerate or embrace, accept and reject, love and hurt, experience with all of our senses, act irrationally, and lose our self-control. 我们能表现出同情,感受到情绪波动,察觉到非语言的细微暗示,容忍或拥抱,接受与拒绝,爱与痛,体会到我们所有的感受,做出不合理的举动,丧失自制力。
This way, angry customers who approach you will have to see themselves in the mirror behind you, and the chances of them behaving irrationally lowers significantly. 这样,那些生气地责备你的顾客不得不看见在你背后镜子中的自己,他们作出不理智行为的几率将大大降低。
The movement draws on some of the same research as economists who argue that investors behave irrationally. 此外,理性运动还借鉴了那些提出投资者总是不理性地行动的经济学家所借鉴的部分研究。
Studies show that otherwise rational people act irrationally when forced to stand in line or wait in crowds, even becoming violent. 研究表明,如果人被迫排队,或挤在人群中等待,本来深明事理的人也会失去理智,甚至暴跳如雷。
We also become irrationally possessive, and not only of our homes. 我们的占有欲也同样变得毫无理性,而这不仅体现在住房方面。
Ironically and irrationally, Treasuries are still considered a haven when the US government troubles the waters. 具有讽刺意味且不合情理的是,即便在美国政府陷入麻烦之后,美国国债仍被视为避风港。
I remained irrationally convinced that I could escape. 我仍然不合情理地坚信自己能逃走。
It's why reasonable people may become irrationally loyal to such groups. 这就是为什么讲道理的人们会无理地忠实于这些群体。
The intuitive explanation, of course, is that we irrationally object to high prices even when the alternative is rationing, long queues, and uncertainty over whether we can buy what we really want. 当然,直觉上的解释是:我们非理性地拒绝高价,即使这样做的后果是施行定量配给、排长队和不确定我们能否买到自己真想要的东西。
It is useful to ask whether some people are sexist or respond irrationally to risk; it is quite another thing to ask what the effect of a change in the money supply will be. 问问某些人是不是大男子主义,或是否会对风险进行非理性回应,或许可以试验一把;但是,要问改变货币供应会带来什么影响,可就是另外一码事了。
Harvard Business School has opened a lot of doors and made people almost irrationally willing to hire me, wrote one graduate. 一位毕业生写道:哈佛商学院打开了许多扇门,人们几乎毫无理性地愿意聘用我。
Ahmed like Rath, a clinician is an example of a scientist irrationally influenced by religion. Ahmed和Rath一样,都是临床医生,他是科学家被宗教施以反理性影响的一个例子。
They were accused of acting irrationally. 他们被指控无理性地行事。
But as the commercial opportunities get bigger, foreign investors will face two obstacles-the strength of large local competitors and a market that functions irrationally. 不过,随着商机越来越大,外国投资者将面临两方面的障碍大型本地竞争者的势力,以及一个非理性运作的市场。
No matter what the original gift was, or what the alternative is, people, irrationally, are reluctant to make the swap. 无论原来的礼物是什么,或者交换的礼物是什么,人们总是非理性地不愿意交换礼物。
Oh yes, I am so afraid of you leaving, irrationally. 是的,我那么不明智地害怕你的离去。
The obvious explanations are either that employers like to be surrounded by pretty staff ( and voters like to see pretty politicians on TV), or that we irrationally conflate beauty with useful qualities such as honesty or intelligence. 显而易见的解释,要么是雇主愿意被漂亮的员工包围(以及选民愿意在电视上看到漂亮的政治家),要么就是我们将美貌与诚实、智慧等有用的品质非理性地混为一谈。
People often behave irrationally when they are under stress. 在压力下人们的行为常常失去理性。
After all, back then, the markets also swung violently and seemingly irrationally as LTCM and others tried to liquidate their assets in a hurry, and investors pulled credit lines, as they tried to identify the source of the pain. 毕竟,回顾当时,市场也剧烈震荡,而且似乎是非理性的,因为长期资本管理公司和其它公司试图匆忙清算资产,而投资者们抽离信贷,因为他们试图找出问题的根源所在。
This is unacceptable to most people because people irrationally equate short-term volatility with risk. 这对多数人来说是不可承受的,因为人们会非理性地将短期波动等同于冒险。
Meanwhile, Mr Wu said that Chinese mills had reacted irrationally by boosting production when demand was weak. 与此同时,吴东鹰表示,中国钢厂作出了不理智的反应,在需求疲软之际增产。
This is also one the reasons why the Europeans have created such an irrationally unbalanced monetary union. 这也是欧洲人为什么会建立了这样一个失衡到离谱地步的货币联盟。
Irrationally held truths may be more harmful than reasoned errors ( Thomas H. Huxley). 无理性地推崇真理往往比合理的错误更有害。(托马斯H赫胥黎)。
In the fact, investors are in danger of behaving irrationally. 基金热销的背后,有一个非常大的隐患是投资者的盲目性。
But in a bull market, people will invest relatively irrationally. 但在牛市行情中,人们的投资相对不理性。
However, those irrationally built theme parks have exerted negative effect on social economic development. 但不合理的主题公园建设也会给社会经济发展带来负面影响。
Love happens irrationally, without the slightest rhyme or reason. 爱情的发生无法解释,没有一点道理可言。