The presidency is beginning to appear a political irrelevance 总统一职似乎正在沦为政治上的摆设。
The Patriotic Front has been a political irrelevance. 爱国者战线在政治上一直无足轻重。
Officially, Frost& Sullivan stopped tracking the pager market in 2006 because of, well, its irrelevance. Frost&Sullivan公司已于2006年正式停止追踪寻呼机市场,因为这个市场已经变得无关紧要。
First, I bemoaned the irrelevance of economics for having little to say about income inequality. 首先,我对经济学无法解释贫富差距问题表示了遗憾。
In failing to push harder to take on Goldman, the SEC again demonstrated its irrelevance. SEC未能加劲与高盛较量,再一次证明了它的无关紧要。
Your wealth, fame and temporal power will shrivel to irrelevance. 你的财富、名望和短暂的权利将变得无足轻重。
What seems certain is that both sides risk regional irrelevance if they fail to do anything. 看起来比较确定的一点是:如果双方未能达成任何协议,那么它们都可能会沦为该地区无足轻重的角色。
Unexpected cash dividends have little impact on the earnings signal, which is in consistent with the dividend irrelevance arguments. 现金股利和股票收益之间也没有明显的联系,这和股利不相关理论是一致的。
Even after the New York episode, he was popular among many IMF employees, having seized the opportunity of the global financial crisis to bring the organization back from irrelevance. 即便经历了纽约那段插曲,卡恩在IMF工作人员中仍广受欢迎&是他抓住了全球金融危机的机会,让IMF摆脱了日益被边缘化的命运。
Man with beard, dismissed my editor, signalling irrelevance and tedium. 我的编辑拒绝了,他说:长胡子的男人。
So here's the argument when the irrelevance removed. 这里是去除了不相关性的论点。
Us power is being challenged across the Middle East; and Europe seems intent on irrelevance. 美国的势力在中东各地受到挑战;欧洲则似乎想让自己不相干。
The Commonwealth is an irrelevance: we are a Pacific country. 英联邦问题无甚意义:我们是一个太平洋国家。
This problem also explains the near-total irrelevance of the United Nations General Assembly. 这一问题也可以解释,联合国大会为什么会近乎被边缘化。
Many Bush administration officials seem to view the UN either as an irrelevance or as a dangerous constraint. 在许多布什政府官员的眼里,联合国似乎或者与美国毫不相干,或者是对美国的一种约束。
Europe does need a more persuasive voice, otherwise it risks fading into geopolitical irrelevance in a world parcelled up between a G2 of the US and China. 欧洲的确需要一个更有说服力的声音,否则,在一个由中美组成的g2所瓜分的世界中,其在地缘政治上的重要性可能会逐渐消失。
She made long involved remarks of obvious irrelevance. 她作了冗长混乱但显然不相干的发言。
The threat now is of irrelevance in a world that belongs to the Pacific rather than the Atlantic. 在这个属于太平洋(而非大西洋)的世界上,目前的威胁是无足轻重的。
Or resign themselves to intellectual irrelevance. 和放弃理性之间做出抉择。
Many in the region viewed him as an irrelevance. 该地区许多人对本拉登并不关心。
Now these measures "are becoming not just an irrelevance but a distraction", he says. 他说,如今这些措施“不仅变得无关紧要,而且分散了注意力”。
These durable impulses of nationalism and ideology that lie behind Soviet policy emphasize the irrelevance of much West debate. 苏联政策背后的民族主义和意识形态的这些经久不衰的动力,使西方大量辩论显得更加文不对题。
The irrelevance of his replies indicated that he wasn't listening. 他毫不相干的回答表明他没在听。
Fear of war launched the European project; he hopes that fear of irrelevance will drive it forward. 他希望对被排除在外的惧怕能够推动这个欧洲大家谈前进。
What is depressing about the debate is not just the blaming of foreigners but also its irrelevance to the challenges confronting the US. 最令人遗憾的是,这场争论不仅仅责怪外国人,而且也与美国面临挑战的关键问题无关。
All the debates about the most compelling political issues, from the Middle East to world governance, arrive at the same conclusion of European irrelevance. 从中东到世界治理,有关这些最紧迫政治问题的所有讨论,都得出了相同结论:与欧洲无关。
We saw here that this premise can be true and that conclusion false can't we? That's not a problem, that is a non-sequitur commits the fallacy of irrelevance. 我们看这个前提可能为真,结论为假,不是吗?这不是问题,这是个不当结论导致的无关谬论。
That part of my life may have been weird, but it was not an irrelevance. 我生命中的这段时光或许有些奇怪,但它并非毫无疑义。
The rise of'global risks'is said to expose the irrelevance of national sovereignty. 可以这样说“全球威胁”暴露出国家主权的无足轻重。
Panels of commentators at the same time remark caustically on western irrelevance and impotence. 对于西方事不关己的态度和表现出的无能,各路评论人士都予以了尖刻的批评。