Even the sack would have been unlikely to damp for long the spirits of the voluble, irrepressibly upbeat Prof Hopper ( who claims as his personal motto: Have your cake and eat it). 就算是解雇,也不可能让健谈又极为乐观的霍珀教授消沉多久。他宣称自己的个人信条是:鱼和熊掌兼得。
That irrepressibly provincial housekeeper would be delighted. 那个城府不深,眼光狭隘的女管家肯定会高兴。
Meanwhile, Mr Ballmer has reshuffled his senior management team, under some pressure from his board, and is as energetic and irrepressibly optimistic as ever. 与此同时,鲍尔默重组了自己的高管团队在董事会的一些压力之下,但他还是一如既往地活力四射、绝对乐观。
This is a smile that bubbles up almost irrepressibly. 它是一种无法抗拒绽放的微笑。
Hester had schooled herself long and well; she never responded to these attacks, save by a flush of crimson that rose irrepressibly over her pale cheek, and again subsided into the depths of her bosom. 海丝特长期以来对此泰然处之;她毫无反手之力,只是在苍白的面颊上不禁泛起红潮,然后便潜入内心深处。