ADJ-GRADED 不负责任的;无责任感的 If you describe someone as irresponsible, you are criticizing them because they do things without properly considering their possible consequences.
I felt that it was irresponsible to advocate the legalisation of drugs... 我认为鼓吹毒品合法化是不负责任的行为。
It would be irresponsible of me not to advise my company to abandon this project... 若我不建议公司放弃这个项目,那我就是不负责任。
Many people have an irresponsible attitude towards marriage and relationships. 很多人对婚姻与两性关系持一种不负责任的态度。
Programme-makers seem irresponsibly insouciant about churning out violence. 编程者似乎对大批量制造含暴力因素的产品处之漠然,毫无责任心。
The sub-prime mortgage debacle, the Enron, WorldCom and options backdating scandals, and myriad other examples of corporate malfeasance suggest that our corporate leaders are capable of acting utterly irresponsibly. 次贷危机、安然(Enron)欺诈丑闻、世通(WorldCom)事件、期权回溯丑闻,以及其他层出不穷的企业违法案例表明,公司领导者们做起事来完全不负责任。
Its banks had grown excessively and irresponsibly before getting whacked by serial defaults in Greece. 遭遇希腊一系列违约事件重创前,塞浦路斯银行业一直在不负责任地过度增长。
We will strengthen administrative accountability. All persons who are derelict in their duty, fail to do their jobs or do them irresponsibly will be held fully accountable. 强化行政问责,对失职渎职、不作为和乱作为的,要严肃追究责任。
Though under pressure to complete plans for an office building near King's Cross, my mind drifted irresponsibly but irresistibly back to her. 尽管国王十字路口附近的办公室工程设计工作压力很大,然而思绪还是任性地、不可抗拒地飘逸到她那里。
If monetary policy had been irresponsibly loose for at least six years let alone, as some have argued, since the early 2000s one would surely have seen inflationary overheating, or at least rising inflation expectations. 如果货币政策在至少6年时间里还有些人说是自本世纪初以来保持一种不负责任的宽松,人们肯定会看到通胀飙升,或者至少是通胀预期不断上升。
Even so, the evil, folly or carelessness of others are no excuse for China to behave irresponsibly. 但即便如此,其他国家的罪孽、愚蠢及疏忽,不应成为中国不负责任行为的借口。
Employers are acting irresponsibly by giving so many jobs to women in prefence to men who have families to support. 面试者表现得不负责任,优先于那些需要支撑家庭的男人们,二给了如此多的工作给女人们。
The second line of objection is that such power is bound to be used irresponsibly. 第二条反对理由是,此类权力注定会被滥用。
Financial technology can facilitate tremendous growth. History shows that, when used irresponsibly, it can also lead to great devastation. 金融技术可以推动巨大的增长,但历史表明,对它的滥用也会引起重大灾难。
First, it hurts our sense of justice: banks that acted irresponsibly are given the means to get away with it cheaply. 首先,它刺伤了我们的正义感:表现不负责任的银行轻易地逃脱了惩罚。
No matter how irresponsibly she may have behaved. 不论她有多么不负责任。
They are more likely to act irresponsibly in a crisis. 它们也更有可能在危机中做出不负责任的行为。
Someone acting freely or even irresponsibly. 一个行动自由甚至不负责任者。
Live irresponsibly or freely. 不承担责任或者自由地活着。
A spokesman denied that the company had acted irresponsibly. 一位发言人否认该公司当时的行为属于不负责任。
Even if we don't talk about those illegal advertisements that have cheating as a goal, and those that swindleand talk irresponsibly. 且不说那些以欺诈为目的?明目张胆地瞎说的违法广告。
In fact, I found him personally likable, if irresponsibly impulsive. 说实在的,我发现,这个人还很可爱,虽然有些不负责任地过于任性了。
Wood floors are gorgeous, but hardwoods traditionally used in flooring take decades to grow, and can be harvested irresponsibly in rain forests. 实木地板是美丽的,但传统上使用的硬木地板,需要几十年的发展,可是却破坏热带雨林。
They agreed that he had acted irresponsibly. 他们承认他的行为是不负责任的。
"The campaign dramatizes the consequences of drinking irresponsibly by showing that it makes you feel invincible when you are actually more vulnerable," said Home Office minister Vernon Coaker. 「这些广告以戏剧化的方式呈现不负责任狂饮的后果,说明酒精会让你在最脆弱的时候反而自以为天下无敌,」内政部官员柯克表示。
They irresponsibly allowed wages to rise. 他们不负责任地允许涨工资。
Glen used to behave very irresponsibly until that recent brush with the police brought him to his senses. 格伦过去的表现很不负任,直至最近与警方的小冲突才使他有所醒悟。
Air France, the national airline; Cr é dit Lyonnais, a big bank. A state guarantee allows managers to run companies irresponsibly without fear of being disciplined by shareholders or banks. 法国航空和大银行里昂信贷,有国家作为后台使得领导层可以不负责任地经营公司,而不用害怕遭到股东和银行的质问。
He had been coming and going, for the past year, so comfortably and irresponsibly. 一年来,他随心所欲,无所顾忌地进进出出。
Perhaps the Security Council, under veto threat from France ( and possibly Russia as well), has behaved unreasonably and irresponsibly in this respect, as suggested by American and British diplomats. 也许正如美国和英国的外交官员所称,在法国的否决威胁下(可能俄国也会如此),安理会在这方面的表现是不合理和不负责任的。
Move or act freely or irresponsibly. 自由地、不须负责地活动或行动。
Get rid of unceremoniously or irresponsibly. He chops the machine about. 随便地或无责任感地除去。他随便地把这部机器拆散了。
However, we lay the whole responsibility for what happened on the New Star captain, who acted extremely irresponsibly,'Interfax quoted ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko as saying. 但我们认为“新星”号船长对事件负有全部责任,他表现得极端不负责任。