ADJ 无法挽救的;无法弥补的 If you talk about irretrievable damage or an irretrievable situation, you mean that the damage or situation is so bad that there is no possibility of putting it right.
What a tragedy if the sport suffers irretrievable damage because this issue is ducked. 如果该运动因这一问题被回避而承受无法弥补的损失,那将是何种悲剧。
...a country in irretrievable decline. 无可挽回地走向衰落的国家
What a tragedy if the sport suffers irretrievable damage because this issue is ducked. 如果该运动因这一问题被回避而承受无法弥补的损失,那将是何种悲剧。
If you make frequent archival backups, eXist is unlikely to do anything that makes the data irretrievable. 如果您经常做归档备份,那么eXist的数据就不可能变得不可检索。
Doing so can damage the file system, rendering your data irretrievable. 如果这样做将会破坏文件系统,导致数据无法恢复。
No irretrievable damage to the physical environment has yet been done. 尚未对自然环境造成无法挽回的破坏。
The pilots 'subsequent efforts to retrieve the situation made it worse, causing the aircraft to enter an irretrievable stall. 飞行员随后采取的纠正努力反而使情况变得更糟糕,导致飞机进入无法摆脱的失速状态。
I think their relationship is now irretrievable. 我认为他们的关系现已无法补救。
They have done irretrievable damage to the physical environment. 他船给自然环境造成了不可弥补的损害。
Can a flower not blossom& The irretrievable tragedy of "Greenred" 一朵花能不能不开放&《青红》无法回旋的悲剧叹息
Both parties should draw a lesson from the past bitter experience which caused irretrievable losses. 过去的不幸事件造成了不可挽回的损失,双方均应从中吸取教训。
Fire, flood, or theft can cause irretrievable damage to data if no off-site backups exist. 如果没有脱机备份,火灾、水灾或被盗可能会对数据造成无法挽回的损失。
An irretrievable loss; irretrievable errors in judgment. 不能挽回的失误;不能挽回的判断上的失误。
He did not know the proper time to call, nor was there any one to tell him, and he was afraid of committing himself to an irretrievable blunder. 他不知道该什么时候去看她。没有人告诉他,他又害怕冒险,铸成难以补救的大错。
The breakdown of their marriage was irretrievable. 他俩婚姻破裂,已无法和好如初。
While the desirability of a "clean break" underlies UK divorce law, this is not the case in Irish law, he states, and the divorce act "failed to acknowledge that divorce is a point of final closure of an irretrievable marriage". 对“清楚分离”的愿望源自英国离婚法,但爱尔兰法律不一样,他说,《离婚法案》未能承认,离婚的时候是一桩无法挽救婚姻终结的时候。
Under a new law, there is only one ground for divorce, the irretrievable breakdown of a marriage. 根据一项新法律,只有一种理由可以离婚,那就是婚姻破裂以至于不可挽回。
Use the force option only if the master key is irretrievable or if decryption fails. 请仅在主密钥无法恢复或解密失败时,才使用force选项。
As a result, there may be a risk that a court may look unfavorably on the practice of discarding electronic information in a manner that makes it irretrievable. 因此,删除电子文件并使其不可还原,可能会面临的一种风险是,法院看起来并不是那么赞同这种方式。
Instead, it serves as a safeguard against irretrievable mistakes, and if mistakes are made, it gives us a opportunity to correct them. 但是,可以保证不犯无法挽回的错误,犯了错误也有改正的机会,可以稳定很多人,可以避免党内同志之间互不信任。
Each school was faced with serious predicament and the war brought irretrievable losses to education; 各校均面临办学困难,战争给教育带来无法挽回的损失;
We're willing to be generous but we cannot agree to pay rises that will cause irretrievable damage to the competitivene of the airline and Hong kong. 我们乐意为机师提供更佳薪酬,但加薪幅度过高,将会对香港和航空公司的竞争力构成无法弥补的伤害,对此我们不能妥协。
The stair leading to the bed symbolizes a road of desire as well as an irretrievable distance of the couple. 同一道楼梯,既是妻子出轨的欲望阶梯,也是夫妻间未可修补的距离。
But it was all too late. The Mogul Empire was in irretrievable decline. 但一切为时已晚,莫卧儿王朝的颓势无可挽回。
With entropy and the nineteenth-century view of time, we face only the irretrievable and only dissipation. 按照熵理论和十九世纪的时间观,我们眼前只有耗散,只有无可挽回的时间消逝。
You are supposed to get rid of carelessness, for it often leads to irretrievaBle errors. 你们一定要克服粗枝大叶,因为粗枝大叶常常引起无可挽回的错误。
Second, the court asked to what extent irretrievable commitments were being made, and other options were being precluded, as the program progressed. 第二个因素是,法院提出,随着工程的进展,能造成多大程度的不可恢复性行为,选择性措施有哪些。
This leads to the Oral Historian's Anxiety Syndrome, that panicky realization that irretrievable information is slipping away from us with every moment. 这种令人恐慌的认识导致了口述历史学家的焦虑症&那些无法挽回的信息正在每时每刻随着时光的流逝而从我们身边溜走,化为乌有!
And some regions have not understood and realized the value of mineral resources, exploitation strategy choices and the administrative management in exploitation, this will cause irretrievable losses. 同时一些地区对矿产资源价值、开发战略选择以及当地政府在开发中的管理方向没有充分理解和认识,若让错误的观念指导开发,将带来不可弥补的损失。
Objective To study the management of iatrogenic and irretrievable injury of high bile duct. 目的对医源性的高位或难以复位的胆道损伤的处理进行探讨。
The controlling right of personal healthy and medical information is irretrievable once deprived. information and benefit. 个人健康医疗信息控制权丧失后,具有不可回复性。
Any corrupt behavior all would to the government ruling position, national image result in to injure hugely and bring about irretrievable loss. 任何的腐败行为都会对政府的执政地位、国家形象造成巨大的损害并酿成无法挽回的损失。