What of the supreme measureless ordeal in which WE WEre again irrevocably plunged? 我们重又不可挽回地被投入最大的、无限的苦难之中,这究竟是怎样的光景呢?
Real quantum bits can't be observed without irrevocably altering their values. 只有不可撤回的改变值才能观察到真正的量子位。
I was three when my grandfather George VI died and suddenly, unexpectedly, you and my father's lives were irrevocably changed when you were only 26. 当我的祖父乔治四世去世时,我只有3岁。同时,在你只有26岁时,你和我的父亲的生命发生了不可逆转的改变。
Even when they bar us irrevocably from attaining a goal, the lessons we learn from mistakes help us to make new and better goals. 即便当错误不可避免地阻扰我们达成目标时,我们从错误中吸取的教训也能帮助我们设定新的更好的目标。
It gave him an odd sensation to reflect that, but for the Countess's arrival, he might have been, if not still a free man, at least a man less irrevocably pledged. 若不是伯爵夫人的到来,即使他不再是一个自由人,至少也不会像现在这样无可挽回地受着婚约的束缚。一想到此,他心里产生了一种奇怪的感觉。
Obama may have lost some of his mystique, and disappointed many of us, but he hasn't yet irrevocably betrayed us, or his ideals, and he will probably get another chance to fulfil some of the great expectations of 2008. 奥巴马可能已经失去了一些神秘感,让我们很多人失望,但他还没有不可挽回地背叛我们或他的理想,他可能会得到另一个机会来实现2008年的那些伟大设想。
Or takes our feeling to heart in a way that wounds them or irrevocably damages the relationships? 很有可能是对方因此而怀恨在心,不可挽回地伤害了彼此的感情呢?
My family and I owe Ryan more than he will ever know; he irrevocably changed our lives for the better. 我和我全家永远感谢瑞恩,尽管他可能不知道这种感谢的分量,他无疑是改变我一生命运的人。
Closing ther factory would irrevocably alter the character of the local community. 关闭这家工厂将不可挽回地改变当地社区的特征。
Second, that many employers responded to the recession by permanently restructuring their businesses and, in so doing, irrevocably reducing their payrolls. 其次,许多雇主在应对衰退时,永久性地重组了自身业务,并在此过程中,不可逆转地削减了工资总额。
I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him. 我毫无条件地、无可救药地爱上了他。
By the end of the war the course of my life had changed irrevocably. 到战争结束时,我的生活道路已经发生了不可逆转的变化。
Your daily worship of God is irrevocably tied to your faith in god. 你对神的信心与你每天对神的敬拜是密不可分的。
Although the transport process has altered your consciousness, you irrevocably remain human. 尽管传输程序改变了你们的意识,你们依然是人类。
B.An issuing bank is irrevocably bound to honour as of the time it issues the credit. 自信用证开立之时起,开证行即不可撤销地受到兑付责任的约束。
Early in his life he was irrevocably committed to literature. 他早年就和文学结下了不解之缘。
The institutions of slave girls, concubinage and forced marriage were also irrevocably tied to the landlord system. 蓄婢、纳妾和包办婚姻的习俗也是与地主制度分不开的。
It has spilled irrevocably into the mainstream of America. 它已所向披靡地涌入了美国主流文化。
Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, the United States and China have been irrevocably brought together by this common problem. 无论我们是否承认,中美两国已经被这个共同的问题牢牢地捆在了一起。
She seemed to consider him irrevocably destined to become his aerial companion. 她认定他命中注定了要作他的空中旅伴。
In daily life, even as in battle, each of us is mysteriously and irrevocably bund to our fellow man, and yet, it is only in death that the power of this bond is finally tested and prove. 在日常生活中,甚至在战斗中,每个人都不可思议的,无可避免的依赖我们的伙伴,然而,只有在生与死的考验中,这种团结的力量才能被最终检验和证明。
By then it may well be too late, for they are likely to have changed irrevocably. 而到那时,可能已经太迟了,因为她们可能已经发生了不可逆转的改变。
The former dark ways of your world are irrevocably transforming and a new era of Light is swiftly manifesting. 过去的黑暗老路正在不可回头的转型,一个光明的新时代正在迅速呈现。
He was politely attentive to customers, but after hours his world seemed irrevocably empty. 他对顾客周到而有礼貌,但是打烊以后,他的世界就总是显得一片空白。
He was in danger of irrevocably losing his son. 他正面临着永远失去儿子的危险。
If contractor has any rights to the works that cannot be assigned to the company, contractor unconditionally and irrevocably. 如果承包方对作品享有任何不能让与公司的权力,承包方无条件并不可撤销地。
The news of the world hacking scandal, which broke a year ago, altered that irrevocably. 一年前爆出的《世界新闻报》(newsoftheworld)窃听丑闻,不可逆转地改变了这种局面。
But the question is how, if a learner of English does not know how to practice, he must be irrevocably incorrigible. 但是问题是如何才能做到熟能生巧呢?当英语学习者不知道如何练习时,他难免会认为自己不可救药了。
I have therefore irrevocably decided to proceed to initial the agreement. 因此我义无反顾地决定草签协定。
Even if Goldman repays the equity, the world has changed irrevocably because it is a government-backed enterprise. 即使高盛偿还了股本,世界还是不可逆转地改变了,因为它是一家政府支持的企业。