Analysis on Isentropic Potential Vorticity for the Snow Calamity in South China and the Stratospheric Polar Vortex in 2008 Regional Turbo-Prop and Regional Jet sales, Operating Leases and Wet Leases. 2008年中国南方雪灾与平流层极涡异常的等熵位涡分析经营支线涡桨飞机和支线喷气式飞机租赁及湿租业务。
Isentropic Potential Vorticity Analysis and cold air activity during the period of excessively heavy rain over Changjiang-Huaihe River Basin in 1991 1991年江淮特大暴雨的位涡分析与冷空气活动
Grasp the concept of nozzle efficiency, isentropic stagnation and their calculation. 掌握喷管效率、绝热滞止概念及计算;
Describe assumptions, physical meaning of terms and to utilize key relationships for compressible flow, speed of sound, isentropic and non-isentropic flows, and potential and rotational flows; 定量描述在超声速流动中流动角度与压力变化的联系,及其在亚声速流动中的不同;
Global Existence Behavior of Solutions for Isentropic and Isothermal Model System 等熵等温模型方程组的解的整体存在性
Local Strong Solutions of Navier-Stokes-Poisson Equations for Isentropic Compressible Fluids 等熵可压Navier-Stokes-Poisson方程局部强解适定性
Winter winds can also take sand storms with them from drier areas, isentropic Potential Vorticity Analysis and cold air activity during the period of excessively heavy rain over Changjiang-Huaihe River Basin in 1991 而冷风同时也会来到干燥地区生成沙尘暴,1991年江淮特大暴雨的位涡分析与冷空气活动
The Riemann Problem with Three Constants for Steady Zero-pressure Isentropic Flown; 定常零压等熵流的三片常数的黎曼问题(英文)
In the calculation of shock temperature by using isentropic curve, an isentropic equation which is consistent with the Hugoniot curve is developed. 在利用等熵线计算冲击温度时,从冲击绝热线出发推导了一个半解析的等熵方程。
Understand and grasp the basic characteristics of isentropic flow. 理解并掌握管内定熵流动的基本特征;
Numerical Simulation of the Effect of Subtropical Anticyclone on the Evolvement of Potential Vorticity of Landfall Typhoon on Isentropic Surface 副热带高压对登陆台风等熵面位涡演变影响的数值模拟研究
It follows that every reversible adiabatic process is one of constant entropy, and may be described as isentropic. 可见可逆绝热过程都是熵不变的过程,可以把这种过程叫做等熵过程。
Results show that in the frame work of moist isentropic coordinate, vorticity development can result from reduction of convective stability, or convergence. or latent heat release in isentropic surfaces. 结果表明,在湿等熵坐标中,涡旋的发展与对流稳定度的减少,等熵面上的辐合和潜热的释放有关。
Computation based on the Simons model for vacuum plume was presented considering the expansion of the isentropic core and boundary layer. 用Simons法对真空羽流流场进行了解析计算,包括等熵核心区和边界层膨胀区的计算,得到了符合流动规律的结果。
Numerical simulation of three-dimensional, steady, isentropic, non-symmetrical flow in rocket nozzles is completed using a bicharacteristic method. 利用特征线方法数值模拟了双圆弧和抛物线两种特型喷管中的三维非对称定常等熵的超音速流场。
Isentropic Potential Vorticity Analysis of the mesoscale cyclone development in a heavy rain process 一次东亚寒潮过程的等熵位涡分析暴雨中尺度气旋发展的等熵面位涡分析
In this paper, the extrapolation formulas of rocket engine performance parameters are established utilizing one isentropic reference line and two partial derivatives for fixed enthalpy. 本文利用一条等熵参考线和两个等焓偏导数建立了火箭发动机性能参数的外推公式。
To the next research of isentropic load and driven flyer plates, our work give the foundation of basic experiment technique and theory model. 本工作为进一步开展等熵加载和驱动技术研究奠定了基本的实验技术和理论建模基础。
Based on the single phase isentropic gas flow theory, the paper puts forward a simpler design method of waste gas efflux self-sucking device, analyzes the main working parameters and characteristic index and gives their calculation. 基于单相气体等熵流动理论,提出了一种废气射流自吸装置较为简单的设计方法,对影响该型自吸装置的主要工作参数和工作性能指标参数进行了分析,并给出了计算方法。
The existence and uniqueness of weak solutions to 1-D isentropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations with density-dependent viscosity and discontinuous initial density; ·在初始密度不连续的条件下,证明了粘性依赖于密度的一维等熵可压缩Navier-Stokes方程组自由边界问题的弱解的存在性和唯一性;
Two sets of analytical solutions of1-D unsteady isentropic perfect gas flow with area change are given. 本文给出了两组一元变截面不定常可压缩完全气体等熵流的解析解。
The transport of air pollutants from cities in the north of China and neighboring countries is researched by using isentropic trajectory model. 利用等熵轨迹模式研究了中国北方和邻国几个大城市排放的污染物的输送趋势。
In order to determine thermal loading and working pressure of nozzle inner contour, the gas was regarded as one dimensional isentropic flow, and temperature field of nozzle was computed based on three-dimension finite element model. 将燃气简化为一维等熵流以确定喷管内型面所承受的温度和压力载荷,基于三维有限元模型,计算了喷管的瞬时温度场。
The authors analyze the structural characteristic and working principle of self-sucking device with waste gas jet for spray irrigation pump. A method of designing and calculating the main working parameters and performance index on the basis of single phase isentropic gas flow theory is put forward. 通过对喷灌用离心泵燃气射流自吸装置结构特点和工作原理的分析,提出了采用单相气体等熵流动理论来设计与计算喷射器主要工作参数与性能指标的方法。
This paper considers in the Lagrangian coordinates the Cauchy problem to in-homogeneous systems of isentropic gas motion with viscosity and gives the existence and asymptotic behaviors of the global solutions. 在Lagrangian坐标下,研究了具有其种源的带粘性的等熵气体运动方程组的Cauchy问题,给出了整体解的存在性和渐近性。
In this paper, the trajectory of particles and material line are calculated with the lagrangian method on an isentropic surface. 用拉格朗日方法计算等熵面上空气质点和物质线的轨迹。
The particle velocity is determined by flyer velocity, flyer impaction method and isentropic method. 冲击波速度由光谱辐射信号确定,粒子速度由实测飞片速度、阻滞法和等熵线确定。
A new hypersonic axisymmetric inlet was designed using one of the optimal solutions. The new inlet was investigated through numerical simulation, and was compared with the normal triple ‐ cone and cone ‐ isentropic inlet. 基于优化结果设计了新型高超轴对称进气道,对其进行了数值研究,并与常规三锥、锥加等熵轴对称进气道进行了比较。
In this paper, we study the one-dimensional compressible isentropic Navier-Stokes equations with free boundary condition. 本文研究了一维可压缩Navier-Stokes方程的自由边界问题,证明了整体弱解的存在性和唯一性。