Recently, two female volunteers taken hostage by Syrian Islamists appeared in a video saying their lives are in grave danger. 最近两名女性志愿者遭到叙利亚恐怖组织绑架,并在公布的一段视频中称两人生命危在旦夕。
French and Malian forces retook the city Saturday from the Islamists, who fled without offering any resistance. 星期六,法国和马里联军从激进分子手中夺回加奥,激进分子逃走,未做任何抵抗。
They are lying fairly low after being labelled as Islamists and prot é g é s of Qatar, the tiny but rich Gulf state that took the lead among Arabs in toppling the colonel. 卡塔尔作为海湾富裕小国,反对卡扎菲的态度在阿拉伯诸国中最为明显。
That same scenario could play out in Libya if today's flimsy rebel coalition disintegrates into fighting between Libyan tribes, or between secular Libyans and Islamists. 今天,如果脆弱的利比亚反对派联盟解体,而转变成部落间的战斗,或世俗利比亚人与YSL主义之间的战斗,同样的情况就可能会发生。
The Sunni and Shiite Islamists in Iraq tried to impose a religious lifestyle on their communities, and the mullahs in Iran quashed the reformists. 伊拉克的逊尼派和什叶派试图让他们的社群过虔敬的宗教生活,伊朗的穆拉压制改革派。
Even so, the current government of Iraq, led by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, is mostly made up of pro-Iranian Shiite Islamists. 即便如此,由总理努里马利基(nourial-maliki)领导的伊拉克现政府,也主要由亲伊朗的什叶派组成。
As an example, he cited US foreign policy towards somalia, where Islamists have gained control of most the country and raised concerns about possible links they may have to al-qaeda. 打个比方,他引用了美国对索马里的外交政策,提出了关于索马里与阿尔盖得有关系的可能性。