Thrust isoline graph is one part of plane isoline graph and it is widely applied in the field of oil and natural gas survey and design project. 逆断层等值线图是平面等值线图的一部分,广泛应用于油气勘探设计等领域。
Virtual three dimensions reconstruction and isoline analysis of human marks on the surface of animal fossils 动物骨骼表面人工痕迹的三维数字模型及正投影等值线分析
The abnormal area delineated by using this method is smaller than that delineated by the standard deviation and isoline methods, characterizing the true anomalous boundary. 利用文中方法圈定出的异常面积比采用标准方差与等值线圈定异常方法小,表征了真正的异常边界。
The variable regularity of buckling loads of double delaminated beam can be clearly explained from the isoline figure in this paper. 压屈载荷的等值线图可以清晰地描述任意双分层损伤层合梁的压屈载荷随分层位置的变化规律。
Application of GRADS Drawing System in Station Isoline GrADS绘图系统在站点等值线中的应用
Automatic drawing technique for dam isoline based on Delphi and Surfer and its application 基于Delphi和Surfer的大坝等值线自动绘制技术及其应用
Genesis of isoline based on triangulation net and implement of ActiveX 基于三角网的等值线生成及ActiveX实现
Based on discrete points isoline generation algorithm inside, including sample data. 基于离散点的等值线生成算法,里面包括样例数据。
Research of ocean grid interpolating algorithm based on isoline 基于等值线的海区网格插值算法研究
Source pump station This paper pointed out the shortcomings of other algorithms in the process of isoline smoothing after completing isoline tracking for the features of drawing rainfall isoline. 本文针对绘制雨量等值线的特点,指出了其他算法对等值线追踪完成后进行光滑时存在的缺点。
Three-dimensional visualization of Leshan Grand Buddha based on isoline chart 基于等值线图的乐山大佛三维可视化
The mathematical theory and merit of tension spline function in rainfall isoline smoothing were also introduced. 介绍了张力样条函数的数学原理及其在等值线光滑应用上的优点。
Lastly, jumping-off and end point of opening-curve, and close isoline were judged. 最后对开曲等雨量线和闭曲等雨量线的起点、终点进行了判断。
The isoline chart is the main form of expressing space distributing characteristic of geographical factor, and it has the common characteristic of being direct, accurate, scientific, readable. 等值线图是表示某一地理要素空间分布特征的主要形式,具有直观、准确、科学、可读性强等共同特征。
Research of Interpolating and Plotting of Constructing Isoline in Geology 地质构造等值线的插值和绘制方法研究
Concept discrimination between angle closure error and azimuth closure error of connection traverse Lastly, jumping-off and end point of opening-curve, and close isoline were judged. 附合导线角度闭合差和方位角闭合差概念辨析最后对开曲等雨量线和闭曲等雨量线的起点、终点进行了判断。
Isoline map of crop evapotranspiration 作物需水量等值线图
The polygonal method and modulization design are employed to draw the isoline and choroplethic map. 采用模块化设计,用多边形法实现了等值线和区域色斑图的绘制。
The isoline plotting program system constituted with 12 programs in IMB-PC/ XT microcomputer is developed. 在IBM&PC/XT微机上开发了由12个程序构成的等值线绘图系统。
The process of program design, this paper adopts edge-information structure which gives the convenience for isoline tracking. 本文提出了采用边信息结构来存储等值点,大大方便了等值线的追踪。
The system can complete not only basic database management, figure display and query but isoline form function. 该系统在完成了基本数据管理、图形显示及查询功能之外,还实现了等值线生成功能,大大简化了过去为分析矿化度、阴、阳离子分布等水化学规律而作的等值线绘制工作;
Isoline drawing is one of the important methods of environmental factor visualization. 绘制等值线是对各类环境要素进行可视化表达的重要方式之一。
A multi-strategy method of drawing isoline is given. 给出了多种策略相结合绘制等值线的方法。
This isoline divided the cell triangle into some protruding polygon. 每条等值线线段把三角形单元分成若干个凸多边形,根据这些小多边形单元的平均应力或位移值并对照颜色表,把小多边形填充以不同的颜色就形成了云图。
Two-dimensional isoline and three-dimensional figures of ground and building deformations are drawn based on cubic spline interpolation method. 应用3次样条插值方法绘制地表与建筑物移动和变形二维等值线图、三维立体图的。
To smooth the isoline, this article uses one kind of smooth algorithm which is quite suitable weather information. 对等值线的平滑,通过进行比较后,本文应用了一种方法进行气象信息等值线平滑。
In the process of model construction, this article gives a model of isoline by using the net method. 在模型构建的过程中,本文提出了利用集合的方法来构建等值线的模型。
This paper mainly discusses the drawing process of the isoline map. 本文主要探讨了等值线图的制作过程。
This thesis proved the accuracy and effectiveness of this method by vectoring the actual isoline map in the isoline drawing system. 本文在等值线绘图系统中实现了实际等值线图纸的矢量化处理,说明了该方法的准确性和有效性。
By utilizing Kriging method, isoline drawing module could interpolate rainfall data, and draw isohyet chart. 等雨量线绘制模块采用普通克里格插值方法,对雨量测站的降雨数据进行内插,并绘制等雨量线图。