The distribution of the seepage lines and isopotential line ( isobaric lines) is reason-able and regular. 自由水面线、等水头线以及等压线的分布情况都是合理的,具有良好的规律性。
The motive force of present shift of the continental crust in China results from proceeding still to a balance of the isopotential surface in the mantle in the west of China. 当今中国大陆地壳移动的动力是由于西部地区的地幔还在继续进行恢复等位面平衡产生的。
The feature of body surface isopotential mapping of those RBBB is described. 描述了RBBB的体表等电位图图型特点。
Diagnosis of RBBB and Its Complication-Old Myocardial Infarction in Aircrew by Means of Body Surface Isopotential Mapping 体表等电位图对空勤人员RBBB及合并的陈旧性心肌梗塞的诊断
Value of QRS isopotential map in diagnosis of old myocardial infarction QRS波群等电位图对陈旧性心肌梗死的诊断价值
Body Surface Isopotential Mapping A Method of Diagnosing Bypass of a new Atypical Preexcitation Syndrome 一种新型不典型预激症候群副束部位的体表等电位图诊断法
The appropriate shape of the bulge-blank is obtained through the reverse educing method, which is based on the minimum energy theory and the minimum resistance pressure theory, and utilize the similarity between the blank flow law and the isopotential line of the electrostatic field. 该方法基于能量最小原理和最小阻力原理,利用塑性变形过程中坯料的流动规律类似于静电场等势线所描述的结果这一特性,来反推胀形时的成形坯料。
The data obtained from 2-D simulation can be used for further study on isopotential contour lines, spiral wave tip trajectories, and pseudo-ECG. 从两维计算机模拟中获得的数据可进一步用于等电位线、螺旋波尖端的轨迹及伪心电图(pseudo-ECG)的研究。
Isopotential map of somatosensory evoked potential and motor evoked potential in spinal cord: an experimental study 运动诱发电位与体感诱发电位的脊髓等电位图的实验研究
A Precision Broadband High Impedance Attenuator& Application of Isopotential Shield 一种精密宽带高阻抗衰减器&等电位屏蔽的应用
After exercising, ST-segment of 28 patients ( 82.3%) depressed to isopotential line, all of them recovered in ten minutes. 82.3%的病例于运动后即刻使抬高的ST段回到等电位线,10分钟后又全部恢复到原抬高状态。
The results of the simulative test in lab and the test in situ in a salt plant show that the solution isopotential method can eliminate stray current corrosion exhaustively and monitor stray current corrosion accurately and reliably. 实验室模拟实验和氯碱厂现场试验结果均证实,用溶液等电位法消除杂散电流腐蚀是完全彻底的,监测杂散电流是准确可靠的。
Through analyzing the effect of the Na-salt solution on the superweak luminescence of pea ( pisum sativum) during the germination, we found that the luminescence intensity of Pea was Na2CO3> NaCl> Na2SO4 on condition isopotential basis of salt stress. 通过钠盐对豌豆(Pisumsativum)萌发时超弱发光影响的比较研究表明,在等渗条件下豌豆幼苗受激发光强度顺序为Na2CO3>NaCl>Na2SO4;
Then, isopotential and electric field intensity lines are plotted. 由此,绘制了整个场域的等位线和电场强度矢量分布。
Objective Intracardiac noncontact mapping provides a high density endocardial isopotential mapping technique. To ablate isthmus-dependent atrial flutter ( AFL), the ablation on AFL under the guidance of noncontact mapping was performed. 目的心内非接触式标测能提供高密度的心内膜等电位标测,可采用此技术指导对有大折返环路的右心房峡部依赖型心房扑动(atrialflutter,AFL)进行消融。
A study on the solution isopotential control method for stray current corrosion of salt brine preheaters 溶液等电位法用于盐水预热器杂散电流腐蚀的研究
A simulative test plant was made to automatically eliminate stray current corrosion and realize on line monitor of stray current by using the solution isopotential. 采用溶液等电位原理,设计制作了能自动彻底消除杂散电流腐蚀,实现杂散电流在线监测的模拟实验装置。
Results showed that infarction group and non-infarction group had theirs own characteristics in distribution of negative potentials on QRS isopotential map during early depolarization. 结果显示:陈旧性心肌梗死组与非心肌梗死组在心室除极早期负电位的分布各具特征性。