In other words, NASDAQ actually has been gaining market share when it comes to number of issuers. 换句话来说,就发行商数量而言,纳斯达克实际上获得了更多的市场份额。
Many card issuers are raising late fees and other charges. 许多信用卡发行机构上调了滞纳金和其他收费。
Two better-known card issuers with a big subprime business are Capital One and HSBC's Orchard Bank. 两家比较著名的发卡银行第一资金和汇丰Orchard银行都拥有庞大的次级信用卡业务。
Securities lawyers say first-time issuers of stock do not have to abide by public companies 'fair disclosure rules. 证券领域的律师表示,首次发行股票的发行人无需遵守上市公司的公平披露原则。
Investors are also growing vigilant as more fixed-income issuers are reporting losses. 由于有更多固定收益产品发行人出现亏损,投资者也变得越来越审慎。
The tax authorities will be delighted, not to mention issuers of life insurance policies. 税务机关肯定会高兴坏了,更不用说那些寿险承保人。
But investment banks retain the permission of regulators and clients simultaneously to serve issuers and investors. 但是,监管机构和客户仍然都允许投行同时为发行方和投资者提供服务。
But the index our fund tracks uses a carefully chosen universe of issuers to maximise liquidity. 但我们的基金所追踪的指数采用一组精心选定的发行者,以最大化流动性。
This leaves us with issuers. 这样我们就只剩下发行商了。
Issuers raised more in Hong Kong than in New York, London and Singapore combined. 发行者在香港筹集的资金超过了纽约、伦敦和新加坡三地的总和。
Investors and issuers need to adjust, he says. 庞建忠说:投资者和股票发行者需要相互适应。
For example, can be long convertible bonds and short the underlying issuers equity. 例如,可长可换股债券及短期发行人的基本权益。
Issuers in the bond markets are finding that their borrowing costs have risen. 债券市场的发行主体则发现,借贷成本上升了。
Which could potentially require issuers to raise more capital and keep assets on balance sheets. 这它们可能会要求券商发行者提高资本金筹资额,并将资产留在负债表上。
Their credit ratings dropped, which meant issuers were less willing to buy insurance from them. 它们的信用等级下降,意味着发行人更不愿意向它们买保险。
Rates fell this week, and high-quality issuers were able to raise finance in municipal-bond markets. 本周,利率有所下跌,优质的债券发行商在市政债券市场的融资也有所增加。
In the meantime, the PCAOB published the names of accounting firms and issuers that have not been inspected. 同时,PCAOB公布了未经其检查的会计师事务所和上市公司的名单。
Issuers of securities pay the rating agencies to estimate the risk for investors. 有价证券的发行者支付分级机构,分级机构为投资者评估证券的风险。
It proposes, for instance, that issuers of credit-risk securities should retain a share of the risk. 比如,计划提议,信贷风险证券的发行商,应当保留一部分风险,由自己承担。
The group also is exploring lending money directly to bond issuers. 此外,贝莱德还在探索直接贷款给债券发行机构的机会。
They are income securities, with issuers committed to paying their dividends before distributing profits to common shareholders. 它们是收益型证券,发行者承诺在将利润分配给普通股东之前,优先为其分红。
Discount notes are a form of short-term debt, typically favoured by highly rated issuers such as government agencies. 贴现票据是一种短期债务,一般受到评级较高的发行方(如政府机构)青睐。
Fragile issuers and nervous investors ought to be a boon to insurers. 脆弱的发行人和紧张的投资者应该对保险公司有所裨益。
This has made it more attractive for issuers around the world to raise funds in the euro market. 这增强了世界各地债券发行人在欧元市场募集资金的吸引力。
Agencies charge security issuers fees to fund the research they conduct to rate the issuers 'securities. 评级机构向证券发行者收费,以资助它们进行相关研究,以便对发行者的证券作出评级。
The low credit ratings given to Asian bond issuers are inhibiting the development of the debt market in asia. 亚洲发债体所得的信贷评级一般偏低,对亚洲债券市场的发展造成障碍。
Listed foreign private issuers must disclose any significant ways in which their corporate-governance practices differ from NYSE rules. 已上市的境外私营发行人必须披露其公司治理实务中与纽约证券交易所规则显著不同之处。
The main issuers of direct paper are large finance companies and bank holding companies. 发行直接票据的主要是大型金融公司和银行持股公司。
In the 1970s the credit rating industry turned from investors subscribing to ratings to bond issuers paying. 20世纪70年代,信用评级行业将收入模式从投资者订阅付费变为向债券发行机构收费。