(ist 的过去时) abbr. 胰岛素休克疗法(insulin shock therapy);星际航行(Interplanetary Space Travel);独立悬挂减震系统(Independent Suspension Technology) ist 的过去式
The nurse a isted the doctor in the operating room. 护士在手术室协信用证填写助医生动手术。
He said his party would move an adjournment to defer the bill's second and third readings if the government I isted on going ahead with the vote next week. 他说若政府一意孤行要在下周如期表决,自由党会在二读和三读时提出动议,要求押后立法。
His eyes isted over as he thought back to his wedding day. 当他回忆结婚那天的情景时,他变得泪眼模糊。
The non-bank financial sector mainly co isted of trust and investment companies, securities firms, finance companies and I urance firms as well as many urban and rural credit cooperatiives. 非银行金融机构主要包括投资公司、证券公司、财务公司、保险公司以及众多城乡信用合作社。
The results showed that the heading stage of rice varied with different transplanting stage and there ex-isted obvious effective accumulative temperature difference from transplanting to heading on different maturity varieties. but the effective accumulative temperature required by each variety was stable. 结果表明:不同的插秧期水稻抽穗期变化很大,不同熟期的水稻品种插秧至抽穗期需要的有效积温差别明显,但每个品种需要的有效积温很稳定。
In this paper, the reason caused by the loosening problem of jointed bolt ex-isted universally in mechanical equipment is theoretically analyzed, and at the same time, several effective methods for preventing from loosening are presented here. 本文针对机械设备中普遍存在的螺栓联接松动问题产生的原因进行了理论分析,并相应提出了几种有效的防松方法。